- This article goes into particulars about the influence,main proposition of the new theory of Gavin Menzies and the discussion and contends for the new theory of Gavin Menzies. 本文以广博资料,详细评述孟席斯“新说”的影响、主要论点及围绕孟氏“新说”的讨论和争鸣。
- A Comment on This Year's Discussions about British Scholar Gavin Menzies's New Theory 一年来英国学者加文·孟席斯新说讨论述评
- Discussion on the Influence and Academic Contend for"Zheng He First Navigated round-the-world" That is the New Theory of Gavin Menzies 孟席斯"郑和首先环球航行"新说的影响和学术之争
- Gavin Menzies 孟席斯
- Gavin Menzies, British seafaring historian, spent 14 years collecting data and doing research, and put forward the theory in March 2002 that ZHENG He*ss fleet had reached the Americas 72 years earlier than Columbus; 英国航海史学家孟席斯 (GavinMenzies)历时 14年收集资料和研究后 ,于 2 0 0 2年 3月提出郑和船队早在哥伦布前 72年就航行到美洲 ;
- Gavin, you forgot to bring fork and knife. 加文,您忘了拿您的刀和叉。
- GAVIN It's a two-bedroom apartment. 两个卧室的公寓。
- Gilian is nursing Gavin hand and food at sickroom. 吉莉恩在病房全力护理加文。
- GAVIN How much will the insurance cost? 你要保的所有物品价值4000元。
- GAVIN HEWITT: Everyone here knows the drill. 这里的每个人都知道这种手段。
- GAVIN HEWITT: Moments later a warning sounds. 过了一会,我们听到-声警报。
- Gavin and Sonya are spending a day at a spa. 事实上,我整天都坐在桌子前面。我是个会计。
- Gavin: So i should return the favour lah? 帮人是不应该要求回报的。
- F. mayor Gavin Newsome, FAG lover Democrat. 主题: No voter campaign contributions for S.
- Gavin Hewitt has this special report. 请听GavinHewitt的专题报导。
- Mr. Menzies, the Australian Prime Minister, left us in May. 澳大利亚总理孟席斯先生于5月间同我们告别。
- It's not plain sailing yet for Menzies's bold theory. 孟西士的大胆理论尚不能一帆风顺。
- Gavin has the capacity to add numbers quickly in his head. 盖文能很快地做心算加法。
- Gilian is nursing Gavin hand and foot in the sickroom. 吉莉恩正在病房全力护理加文