- Gauss编织 Gauss weave
- 她利用零碎时间编织。 She knits at odd moments.
- 姑娘们忙着编织地毯。 The girls are busy braiding rugs.
- 当Gauss在1901年采用?即?替xx后,前者就变成了标准写法。 When, in 1901, Gauss adopted ??for xx, the former became standard.
- Gauss模型 Gauss model
- 我编织的东西散开了. My knitting has unravelled.
- Gauss定理 Gauss Axiom
- 以反针编织两排 to purl for two rows
- Gauss分布 Gauss distribution
- 用钩针编织披肩 crochet a shawl
- Gauss公式 Gauss equation
- 编织草席 to weave a straw mat
- Gauss方程 Gauss equation
- 她精通编织;你的丈夫精通厨艺吗? She knows how to knit; Does your husband know how to cook?
- Gauss滤波 Gauss filter
- 用编织物或丝带装饰。 decorate with braids or ribbons.
- Gauss整环 Gauss integral domain
- 他交错编织马尾毛。 He braided the horse's tail.
- Gauss问题 Gauss problem
- 编织图样 a knitting pattern