- Gabor小波神经网络 Gabor wavelet neural network
- GABOR小波神经网络算法及其在灰度图象目标识别中的应用研究 GABOR Wavelet Neural Networks Algorithms and an Application Study on Gray Image Target Recognition
- Gabor小波网络 Gabor wavelet network
- Log-Gabor小波 Log - Gabor wavelet
- 二维Gabor小波特征 2D Gabor wavelet feature
- 小波神经网络在短期电力负荷预测中的应用 Application of wavelet neural networks in short-period power load prediction
- 基于小波神经网络和证据理论的零件图像识别 Part image recognition based on wavelet-neural network and dempster-shafer evidential theory
- 基于粗糙集理论和小波神经网络的无线电控制探测仪故障诊断 Fault Diagnosis for the Wireless Control Explorer Based on the Rough Set and Wavelet Neural Network
- 小波神经网络 wavelet neural network
- 基于粒子群优化的小波神经网络及其在齿轮箱故障诊断中的应用 Wavelet Neural Network Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Application in Fault Diagnosis of Gear-Box
- 动态小波神经网络 dynamic wavelet neural network
- 模糊小波神经网络 fuzzy wavelet neural network
- 小波混沌神经网络 wavelet chaotic neural network
- 混合小波神经网络 hybrid wavelet neural network
- 小波概率神经网络 wavelet probabilistic neural network
- 递归小波神经网络 recurrent wavelet neural networks
- 小波模糊神经网络 wavelet fuzzy neural network
- 小波遗传神经网络 wavelet genetic neural network
- 遗传小波神经网络 wavelet neural network of genetic algorithms
- 小波神经网络(WNN) wavelet neural network(WNN)