- GaN基蓝光LED GaN - based blue LEDs
- 硅衬底GaN基蓝光LED材料生长及器件研制 Materials Growth and Device Fabrication of GaN-based Blue LED on Silicon Substrate
- 高亮度GaN基蓝光与白光LED的研究和进展 Research and development of high brightness GaN-based blue LED and white LED
- GaN基蓝光激光器光场特性模拟 Optical Simulation of GaN Blue Laser Diode
- GaN基蓝光发光二极管峰值波长偏移的研究 Research of Peak Wavelength Shifts of GaN-based Blue Light-emitting Diodes
- GaN基蓝紫光激光器的材料生长和器件研制 Material Growth and Device Fabrication of GaN-Based Blue-Violet Laser Diodes
- 硝基蓝四唑 NBT; nitroblue tetrazolium
- 避光 lucifuge
- 胺基 amidocyanogen
- 流光 streamer
- 宝石蓝 jewelry blue
- 卖光 sell up
- 洛基 Loki
- 自光LED white LED
- 这种瓷器蓝中带绿。 The pottery is blue with a greenish hue.
- 洛基第一集 Rocky - 1976
- 剥光 unclothe
- 落基山 Rocky Mount
- 绿光LED激发荧光的研究 The research on green LED as fluorescence excitation source
- 落基山脉 the Rocky mountain