- GUS染色 GUS staining
- 分别采用种子切片GUS染色方法和除草剂涂抹以及喷洒方法检测gus报告基因和抗除草剂bar基因在后代的表达。 Seed chip GUS assay and herbicide leaf painting and spraying assays were applied to test the gus reporter gene and the herbicide resistant bar selectable marker gene, respectively.
- 染色 pigmentation
- 通过实验,花器浸沾处理小麦的花器,染色频率可达到61%,对萌芽处理中生长点的染色频率也可达到22%,对染色材料的切片观察,也可以看到组织内层细胞的GUS染色现象。 The frequency of GUS activity in the method of floral dip reach 61%25, deal with the seedling we get the frequency of 22%25 for the GUS activity In the apex meristem of the seedling, slice the stained material and we observe the inner tissue also get blue.
- 染色质 chromatin
- 染色的 tinct
- 这种布容易染色。 This cloth takes dye well.
- 革兰氏染色 Gram's stain
- 这种饮料常用焦糖染色。 The beverage is often colored with caramel.
- 染色布 stained cloth
- 本色的,原色的未经漂白或染色的,未完工的,用于纺织品 Not bleached or dyed; unfinished. Used of textiles.
- 染色单体 chromatid
- 二重染色 duplicate stained
- PAP染色 PAP staining
- 阿氏染色 Albert's staining
- 半连续染色 semi continuous dyeing
- 染色前把皮革再加处理 redress leather before dyeing
- 染色染得不错。 The dye takes well.
- 劣布难染色。 It is bad cloth that will take no colour.
- 染色的纱线 ingrain yarn.