- GUS报告基因 GUS reporter gene
- 将GUS报告基因导入棉花胚性愈伤组织,获得了卡那霉素抗性的胚状体; Simultaneously, a large amount of kanamycin-resistant somatic embryos of cotton in which a GUS gene was integrated via partical bombardment of embryogenic callus were also obtained.
- 报告 report
- 用无启动子的GUS报告基因捕获水稻基因启动子 Promoter Trapping by Using Promoterless GUS Reporter Gene in Rice
- 报告的 informational
- 研究报告 research report
- 调查报告 memoir, report
- 报告书 proces-verbal
- 融合启动子与GUS报告基因融合构建相应的植物表达载体,并以含CaMV35S启动子的表达载体pBI121作对照转化烟草NC89,利用荧光分光光度计法定量测定各转基因烟草植株的GUS基因表达活性。 In this study, we combine ocs activator elements with mas promoter, then fuse the chimeric promoters on GUS gene to construct plant expression vectors. We also demonstrate by comprison to the 35S promoter.
- 开题报告 opening speech; opening report
- 财务报告 financial report
- 报告人 speaker
- 检验报告 survey report
- 工作报告 work statement
- 审计报告 audit report
- 检测报告 examining report
- 分析报告 analysis report
- 总结报告 final report (FR)
- 验资报告 asset examination report
- 测试报告 test report