- GSM公网 GSM network
- 基于GSM公网的直放站监控系统的设计与实现 The design and implementation of the repeater system based on GSM
- 应用GSM公网组成区域水情监测信息系统的技术与设备 Technology and Equipment for Forming Regional Water Information Monitoring System Under GSM Public Network
- 网 network
- 公网 public network
- 内网 Intranet
- 电脑网 computer network
- 网的 retiary
- 资本公积 contributed surplus
- 公吨 metric ton
- 网关 gateway
- 船公 ferryman
- 网线 reticle
- 家公 the father-in-law
- 搜索网 dragnet
- 公称 nominal
- 网管 network management
- 公积 surplus
- 网速 wire speed
- 公出 be away on official business