- GPS监测 GPS monitoring
- 利用GPS监测数据确定建筑物的刚性运动状态 Determining the Rigidity Movement State of High-rise Buildings Using GPS Monitoring Data
- 新的GPS监测资料表明,在欧亚框架内,川青地块及其邻近的龙门山带和华南地块西缘的地壳运动水平速度,具有自西向东由25.66mm/a递变下降到6.99mm/a的总趋势。 New GPS monitoring data indicate that in the Eurasian frame, the horizontal velocity of the crustal movement in the Sichuan-Qinghai block and its adjacent Longmen Mountain belt and the western margin of the South China block shows a general trend of decreasing progressively from 25.66 to 6.99 mm/a from west to east.
- GPS监测原理 GPS monitoring principle
- 本底值监测 background value monitoring
- 差分GPS DGPS - Differential GPS
- GPS global positioning system (GPS)
- 顶板离层与监测 Roof Abscission Layer and Monitor
- 过热现象是通过并联或内置在电机定子绕组的正常闭合开关来进行监测的。 Over-temperature is detected by a normally-closed switches connected in series and embedded in the motor stator windings.
- 双GPS double-GPS
- GPS网 GPS network
- 监测试片 monitoring coupon
- 风监测 wind monitoring
- 类GPS Quasi-GPS
- 排泄物监测 excretion monitoring
- GPS板 GPS board
- 罪监测 crop monitor
- GPS点 GPS point
- 场监测 field estimation