- GPS卫星定位软件研究 On the Research of GPS Satellite Positioning Software Package
- GPS卫星定位 GPS
- 应用GPS卫星定位系统建设江苏地区高精度地壳形变监测网 Building a crustal deformation monitoring network with high precision in Jiangsu area using the GPS satellite positioning system
- 卫星多普勒定位软件的改进 Refinement of Doppler Positioning Software
- GPS卫星定位导航系统飞播造林试验研究 Study on the experiment of aerial seeding afforestation by Global Positioning System(GPS)
- 定位软件 locating software
- 基于移动支付的POS终端系统软件研究 Research of software for Wireless POS Terminal based on Mobile Payment
- GPS卫星定位系统 global positioning system
- 小模数齿轮及其滚刀齿形参数化设计软件研究 Research on Parametric Design Software for Small Module Gear and Its Hob
- 高速公路急救绿色通道GPS卫星通讯系统及车载医用电源研究 Research of GPS for highway ambulances and vehicular medical power
- 基于C++Builder和MATLAB环境开发脑内电活动的等效偶极子源定位软件。 The simulation software based on the C++ Builder and Matlab had been developed.
- 全球卫星定位 global positioning satellite
- 详细推导了利用非差伪距和非差相位确定GPS卫星轨道的数学模型; The mathematic model of orbit determination of GPS satellite using zero-difference data is deduced in detail.
- 伽利略卫星定位系统三载波姿态确定技术研究 Research on Attitude Determination by Three-Carrier Ambiguity Resolution of Galileo
- PDR节目数据库管理软件研究 Research on PDR Database Management Software
- 第一章主要介绍了开发高动态GPS卫星信号模拟源的背景和意义。 It contains four chapters:In the first chapter, the background and significance of developing the high dynamic GPS satellite signal simulator are presented.
- 联邦成员一致性测试软件研究 Research on Federate Compliance Test Software
- 浅谈卫星定位系统在企业生产调度中的应用 Discuss the Application that the Global Position System is in Production Scheduling of Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant Simply
- GPS卫星时钟扩展装置的研制 Development of Clock Extended Device Using GPS Receiver
- 基于VXI总线的通用测试软件研究 A Research of General Testing Software Based on VXI Bus