- GPS精密单点定位在矿区土地复垦测量中的应用 GPS precise point positioning technique applied in survey work for land reclamation in mining area
- 基于GPS精密单点定位的低轨卫星几何法定轨 Kinematic Orbit Determination of Low-Earth Orbiters Based on GPS Precise Point Positioning Technique
- GPS精密单点定位 GPS precise point positioning
- 基于非线性滤波的单频GPS精密单点动态定位 High-Precision, Single-Frequency Kinematic GPS Point Positioning Using Nonlinear Filter
- 精密单点定位 precise point positioning
- PPP精密单点定位 PPP precise single-point positioning
- GPS精密授时功能在电力系统功角广域测量系统中的应用 Precision timing application of GPS in wide area power-angle
- 这些线使我们能精确地给地球表面的每一个点定位。 These allow us to pinpoint any spot on the surface of the Earth.
- 本文分析了精密单刃刀具车削中,刀具和工件间相对振动位移对零件表面光洁度的影响。 The article analizes the influence of vib-displacement between the tool and workpiece on foe surface finish of the workpiece precisionally turned by a single point tool.
- 用于将插入点定位到某一绝对列号上,其中 Used to position the insertion point to an absolute column number, where
- 凹点定位 concave spot localization
- 单频精密单点定位 single-frequency precise point positioning
- 核心点定位 core point localization
- 塑料。可比单点数据的采集和表示法。第1部分:模塑材料 Plastics - Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data - Part 1: Moulding materials
- 将插入点定位在 Position the insertion pointer on a space in the
- 单点进入 single-point entry
- 参考点定位算法 core point location algorism
- 单点套利 one-point arbitrage
- 划分点定位算法 divide-pointlocatingalgorithm
- 单点测流 spot measurement of flow