- GPS定位数据传输系统的设计与实现 Design and Realization of the Transmission System for GPS Position Data
- 数据 data
- 终端处理软件通过串口接收GPS定位数据和电场测量数据并进行处理,显示探测结果,绘制电场的分布曲线,并引导接收天线指向探空仪以跟踪它的信号。 The terminal software receives and processes the GPS and electricfield data from COM port, shows the result, draws the distribution curve of the electricfield,and guides the receiving antenna to track the radiosonde.
- GPS定位数据 GPS positioning data
- 转发式干扰下GPS定位精度的仿真分析 Simulation analysis of location precision unrder GPS signal repeater jamming
- 统计数据 statistical data
- 数据处理 data processing
- 一种GPS定位信息可用性的实时判定方法 A real-time judging method of availability for GPS positioning data
- 数据透视表 PivotTable
- 数据线 data wire
- 数据结构 data organization
- 基于随机水面阵列构形的水下GPS定位算法 Underwater GPS positioning algorithm based on randomly distributed buoys
- 数据文件 data file
- 数据传输 data transmission
- 数据类型 data type
- 基于GPS定位的浮动车样本数量确定方法研究 Study on Methods of Determining GPS Equipped Probe Vehicle Sample Sizes
- 元数据 metadata
- 数据分析 datan
- 数据采集 data acquisition
- 半GPS定位 half GPS