- GPS卫星星座 GPS satellite constellation
- 星座 constellation
- GPS卫星 GPS visibility
- 侦察卫星星座目标发现概率与最大访问间隔分析 Analysis of the probability of target detection and max access gap of reconnaissance satellite constellation
- 伪GPS卫星 pseudo GPS satellite
- 共轨迹卫星星座的优化设计及应用探讨 Optimization Design and Its Application Analysis of a Constellation with Common Ground Track
- 相比较而言,gps卫星的轨道是在海拔2万2千公里的高空。 GPS satellites, for comparison, orbit at36,000 km.
- 卫星星座通信系统的切换数据登记策略 Handoff data registration strategy in satellites constellations communication system
- 应用GPS卫星定位系统建设江苏地区高精度地壳形变监测网 Building a crustal deformation monitoring network with high precision in Jiangsu area using the GPS satellite positioning system
- 具有星间链路的卫星星座网络路由技术研究 Research of Routing Techniques in Satellite Networks with ISLs
- 高速公路急救绿色通道GPS卫星通讯系统及车载医用电源研究 Research of GPS for highway ambulances and vehicular medical power
- 用于微卫星星座的空间监视望远镜系统设计 System design of space surveillance telescope aboard microsatellite constellation
- GPS卫星定位 GPS
- 基于小卫星星座的远程加载机制的设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Remote Loading Mechanism Based on Small Satellite Constellation
- 利用GPS卫星信号源进行干涉测量是近几年发展起来的新技术。 The interferometric surveying system with GPS satellite emission radio is a new technique being developed in recent years.
- RFID及卫星星座网络在军事物流联合配送中的应用 Application of RFID and satellitic constellation network in military logistics
- GPS卫星测量系统 GPS satellite measurement system
- 卫星星座 satellite constellation
- GPS导航卫星 GPS navigation satellite
- GPS卫星定位技术 Location technology with satellite of GPS