- GIS技术与微机制图 GIS Technology and Micro Computer Mapping
- 汽车电子技术与微机工程测控技术实验教学的探索 Experimental Teaching Exploration on Vehicle Electronic Technique and Microcomputer Test and Control Technique
- 浅谈微机制图的方法及技巧。 Discussion on method and technique of C. G.
- 基于遥感与GIS技术的吉林省西部土地沙漠化现状及发展趋势研究 A Study on Desertification of West Jilin Province Based on RS and GIS Technology
- 遥感和GIS技术支持下的西藏"一江两河"地区土壤侵蚀监测方法 The monitoring methods supported by remote sensing and GIS technology about soil erosion of the "Yaluzangbu river and its two branch" area
- 煤矿高标准瓦斯管理技术与实践研究 On High Standard Gas Administration Technology and Practice in Coal Mines
- 藻类技术与工程概论 Alagal Biotechnology and Intrduction to Engineering
- 外部硬盘可以独立购买,通过电缆线与微机相连; they are used for backing up large amounts of data or for additional storage capacity.
- 技术与艺术 Technology & Art
- 工程制图课程网络课件的开发与设计 Development and design of engineering drafting network courseware
- 技术与工具 Technology & tool
- 我们办公室的微机与伦敦总计相联接。 Our office micro inter face with the mainframe computer in London.
- 技术与人文 Technology and humanism
- 该模型适于GIS的可视化操作与分析。 The model is suitable for GIS visualization data handling and analyzing.
- 技术与经济性 Techniques and economy
- 办公室的微机与总部的中央处理器相互联结。 The office micro interface with the mainframe in the head office.
- 技术的机械制图试题库的开发 Development of a Mechanical Drawing Test Bank Based on AutoCAD VBA
- GIS共享技术 Techniques of GIS Data sharing
- 微机与多台加工中心串行通讯的实现 The implementation of serial communication between a computer and several machining centers
- 技术与战略融合 Technology