- GIS和RS技术在城市绿地规划方面的应用 Application of GIS and RS to Urban Green Land Programming
- 将GIS和RS技术引入城市总体规划教学的尝试 Attempt to Introduce the GIS and RS Technologies into Teaching of Urban Master Planning
- 基于GIS和RS技术评价兰州市土地利用状况及变化过程 The Change of Land Use and Its Progress in Lanzhou Based on GIS and RS
- 基于GIS和RS的土地利用变化趋势研究--以铜梁县张家沟流域为例 On Research of Land Use Change Trend on GIS and RS--A Case Study of Zhangjiagou Valley
- GIS和RS技术 GIS and RS
- 基于GIS和RS的小流域景观格局变化及其土壤侵蚀响应 Research on Changes of Landscape Pattern and Responses of Soil Erosion in Watershed Level Using GIS and RS
- 基于GIS和人工神经网络预测土地利用变化 Use GIS and ANN to Forecast Land Use Change
- RS技术 RS technology
- GIS和环境管理信息系统建设 To Develop EMIS with the Combination of GIS
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动 An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- [谚]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。 None but fools and knaves lay wagers.
- 基于gis和数学形态学的洪水淹没研究 Study on flood submergence based on GIS and mathematical morphology
- RL 30D和RS(?) RL30D with Eudragit(?)
- 基于分形RS技术的中国股市非规则周期性研究 The Analysis of Irregular Periodicity of Stock Market in China Based on Fractal R/S Technique
- 基于GIS和GPS的交通状态参数估计与仿真模型 Travel Time Estimation and Simulation Model Based on Taxi-Based GPS and GIS
- 基于GIS和ANN的时空相关单木生长模型研究 Study of GIS and ANN Based Individual Tree Growth Model
- 利用DPS与RS技术生成DOM复合产品的试验研究 Experimental Study of Producing DOM Complex Product Using DPS and RS Techniques
- 两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在与日俱增。 The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries are daily on the increase.
- 计算机通过串行接口和RS-485网络连接,网络上挂接18个ADAM模块,每个模块和一个单片机相连。 The computer is connected to RS-485 network through the COM port. 18 ADAM modules, each of which is connected to SCM, are connected to the network.
- 近十几年来,随着互联网的浪潮席卷全球,GIS和Internet结合而产生的Web GIS成为了GIS的主要发展方向之一; Since 1990s, as the Internet tide sweeps the world, Web GIS, which is the combo of GIS and www, has become a main direction.