- GABA摄取抑制剂 GABA uptake inhibitor
- 5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂 SSRIs
- 选择性5-HT再摄取抑制剂 SSRIs
- 选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)
- 选择性五羟色胺再摄取抑制剂与酒依赖治疗 The use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating alcohol dependence
- GABA受体抑制剂的柔性原子受体模型研究 Research on Pseudoreceptor Models for the Inhibitors at GABA Receptors via Flexible Atom Receptor Model
- 目的 :探讨慢性不可预见性应激抑郁模型大鼠海马 5 -HT1A受体 (5 -HT1AR)的变化以及三环类抗抑郁剂 (TCAs)阿米替林和 5 -羟色胺再摄取抑制剂 (SSRI)氟西汀对其影响。 Objective: To investigate the change of 5-HT 1A receptor (5-HT 1A R) from chronic unpredicted mild stress depression rat hippocampus and the effect of Amitriptyline and Fluoxetine on 5-HT 1A R in former depression model.
- 安全膨胀抑制剂 safe expansive inhibitor
- 变构抑制剂 allosteric inhibitor
- 不可逆抑制剂 irreversible inhibitor
- 产卵抑制剂 oviposition inhibitor
- 泡沫抑制剂 foam suppressor
- 前期抑制剂 prophase inhibitor
- 脲酶抑制剂 urease inhibitor
- 取食抑制剂 feeding deterrent
- 细菌抑制剂 bacterial inhibitor
- 乳化抑制剂 emulsion inhibitor
- 烧结抑制剂 sintering inhibitor
- 食欲抑制剂 appetite inhibitor
- 发火抑制剂 flammable inhibitor