- Fredholm指标 Fredholm index
- 指标 index
- 技术指标 technical target
- 性能指标 performance index
- Fredholm算子 Fredholm operator
- 财务指标 financial target
- Fredholm标准 fredholm criteria
- 评价指标 evaluating indicator
- Fredholm定理 Fredholm theorem
- 质量指标 QI
- Fredholm方程 Fredholm equations
- 经济指标 economic indicator
- Fredholm映射 Fredholm map
- 指标体系 index system
- Fredholm性质 Fredholm property
- 考核指标 performance assessment criteria; performance assessment index
- Fredholm理论 Fredolm theory
- 第二类Fredholm Fredholm integeral equations of the second kind
- 主要技术指标 the key technical indexes
- 半Fredholm算子 Semi-Fredholm operator