- Four Dreams in Lin Chuan 临川四梦
- He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth. 在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。
- You are more likely to have dreams in your sleep. 特别容易做梦。
- Ive had many bad dreams in my sleep recently. 我近来睡觉常做噩梦。
- Prince hides his face from dreams in the mist. 公子。却对迷雾中的梦境。隐藏著面容。。
- A runner must run with dreams in his heart. 跑者必须与心中的梦想一同驰骋。
- Karma will skew dreams in one direction or another. 业力会以这个或那个方向偏斜梦想。
- I put away my dreams in order to raise my family. 为了抚养家庭,我放弃了我的梦想。
- Chasing senseless dreams in gloom. 在黑暗里雕刻着昏沉沉的梦。
- We will realize this dream in the near future. 不久以后,我们就会梦想成真。
- Try to share that dream in our karma. 天龙:尝试分享我们命运的梦想。
- Xinhua News Agency, Vienna, June 21 (Reporter Lin Chuan) On the 21st, the Austrian police announced a series of drug-dealing cases they have recently solved. A gang of criminals has been captured. 新华社维也纳6月21日电(记者林川)奥地利警方21日公布了最近连续破获的多起贩卖毒品案件,一批罪犯已经落入法网。
- Rest with your dream in my dream. 在我的梦境沉沉入睡。
- That'll be a dream in the future not far away. 不远的未来有着一个梦想。
- They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake. 求婚时想入非非,结婚后如梦方醒。
- This thesis includes four parts:Part One begins with a brief introduction of Lin Shu"s translation and the motivation to study the domestication in Lin Shu"s translation. 论文分为四个部分:第一部分首先简要介绍了林纾的翻译,并由此阐明了本篇论文研究林纾翻译中的归化策略的研究动机。
- JL: Everyone only has a big dream in Hollywood. 杰:每个人只在好莱坞有个大梦想。
- The content of Linchuan Si Meng (Four Dreams at Linchuan) is originated directly or indirectly from the contents of legendary novels in Tang Dynasty. “临川四梦”直接或间接地取材于唐代小说。
- Shao Lin Chuan Qi Online - Rebirth Package 群魔复活包
- The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples' lives. 这项研究从理论上说明了梦在人们一生中的作用。