- Fortunella venosa n. 金豆
- Hotel Fortunella : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- The processing technology of fortunella swingle jam is studied in this paper. 研究了以金柑和白砂糖为主要原料制作金柑酱的加工工艺。
- Direct shoot organogenesis and plant regeneration in Fortunella crassifolia. 杨莉,徐昌杰,胡桂兵,陈昆松.
- This paper reports a new variety of Vicia L. from Inner MongoliaVicia venosa(Willd.ex Link) Maxim.var.ichhsinganica Soyolt. 关键词:狭柳叶野豌豆,花粉形态,新变种,内蒙古|全部关键词
- Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella,having small,edible,orangelike fruit. 金桔一种金桔属灌木或树木,结有小而可食的、类似桔子的果实
- Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella, having small, edible, orangelike fruit. 金桔一种金桔属灌木或树木,结有小而可食的、类似桔子的果实
- HOU Sheng-tao, CHENG Ji-min, HOU Lin , et al.Morphlology of reproductive system of Rapana venosa(Valenciennes) (Gastropoda)[J].Acta Zoologica Sinica, 1990,36(4) :398-405. [9]侯圣陶;程济民;侯林;等.;脉红螺Rapana venosa(Valenciennes)生殖系统的组织解剖学研究[J]
- The position of the genus Fortunella in classification of Citrus fruits was discussed. 探讨了金柑属的分类学地位;
- The processing technology of fortunella swingle jelly was studied in this paper. 以金柑为主要原料研制金柑果肉果冻。
- Phylogenetic relationships among 18 accessions belonging to Fortunella and Citrus were investigated by using SSR markers. 用SSR标记分析了金柑属(Fortunella)及柑橘属(Citrus)植物的亲缘关系。
- Rutaceae A family of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs. They include the citrus fruits (Citrus spp.), kumquat (Fortunella ), and a number of ornamental shrubs. 芸香科:双子叶植物的一个科,乔木或灌木。包括柑橘类(柑橘属),金橘(金橘属)和一些观赏灌木。
- The stem explants of Fortunella margarita were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/1 BA and 0.1mg/1 IBA for induction of callus and bud formation. 用金桔茎段为外植体;培养在附加1.;0毫克/升BA和0
- The leaf and psyllids in the host plant were collected and detected by PCR, it was found that some psyllids were infected, such as murraya, panciculata and Fortunella japonica. 采集在中间寄主植株生活的木虱及叶片进行PCR检测,发现九里香、金桔带毒。
- The main material is fortunella swingle and white sugar.The effect of different antioxidant and thickening agent on the quality of jam has been studied. 比较了几种抗氧化剂和增稠剂对金柑酱产品品质的影响;确定添加0.;02%25鲜多宝可对金柑酱有良好的护色效果;
- Through the study on the growth, blossom, and fruiting of the seedling tree of Fortunella Hindsii Swingle, the results indicated:the young period of the seedling tree of Fortunella Hindsii Swingle was 467 days. 通过播种栽培山金柑实生苗生长、开花、结果的研究表明:山金柑实生苗童期约为467d;
- Keywords fortunella swingle;jam;technics; 金柑;果酱;工艺;
- Keywords fortunella swingl;jelly;manufacture; 金柑;果冻;研制;
- flavonoids from Fortunella margarita peel 金橘皮黄酮
- Fortunella margarita ( lour ) Swingle 圣女果