- Form控件的操作URL。 An action URL for a Form control.
- 自定义List、ObjectList或Form控件的页脚。 Customize the footer of a List, ObjectList, or Form control.
- 可以在Form控件的文本内容中包含文本及其伴随的标记。 You can include literal text along with its accompanying markup tags in the text contents of the Form control.
- 在此演练中,需要一个包含数据绑定Windows窗体控件的操作窗格控件。 For this walkthrough, you need an actions pane control that contains data-bound Windows Forms controls.
- 计算了月供额后,代码切换到第二个Form控件,并在相应的“Label”控件中显示结果。 After calculating the monthly amount, the code switches to the second Form control and displays the results in the respective Label controls.
- 控件应执行与之关联的页的所有HTTP请求所共有的操作。 Control that it should perform actions common to each HTTP request for the page it is associated with.
- 为cHTML适配器集提供窗体适配器类(即Form控件的适配器)。 Provides the form adapter class (that is, the adapter for the Form control) for the cHTML adapter set.
- 为Form控件提供分析支持。 Provides parsing support for Form controls.
- 指示该控件是否应处理在指定点单击鼠标的操作。 Indicates whether a mouse click at the specified point should be handled by the control.
- 有关更多信息,请参见Form控件介绍。 For more information, see Introduction to the Form Control.
- 该页中包含一个名为form1的Form控件。 The page includes a Form control named form1 on it.
- 下面的代码示例演示源页中每个发送的控件的ID和值,并在名为Label1的标签中显示发送的值。 The following code example displays the ID and value of every posted control in the source page and displays the posted values in a label named Label1.
- 等数据源控件使用这些枚举值跟踪正在执行的操作类型。 Use these enumeration values to track the type of operation being performed.
- 将看到默认名称为“form1”的Form控件。 You will see a Form control with the default name of form1.
- Web部件控件集中的谓词是用户可在用户界面(UI)中执行的操作。 A verb in the Web Parts control set is an action that a user can carry out in the user interface (UI).
- 使用Form控件可将内容和控件分割为多个用于向用户显示的可导航组。 Use a Form control to partition content and controls into navigable groups for presentation to the user.
- 设置操作窗格控件的堆叠顺序 To set the stack order of the actions pane controls
- 使用模板时,请记住Form控件在OnInit方法中为窗体创建模板的实例,这一点很重要。 When using templates, it is important to remember that the Form control creates instances of templates in the OnInit method for the form.
- 这组控件指定在从“调试”菜单中选择“启动”时将发生的操作。 This group of controls specifies the action that will occur when you choose Start from the Debug menu.
- 方法使您可以确定用户最后一次撤消的操作是否可以重新应用于控件。 Method enables you to determine whether the last operation the user has undone can be reapplied to the control.