- FePt掺杂 FePt doping
- FePt薄膜 FePt films
- FePt纳米粒子 FePt nanoparticle
- L10-FePt薄膜 L10-FePt thin films
- FePt薄膜合金 FePt film-alloys
- 离子注入掺杂工艺 ion implantation technique
- FePt纳米颗粒 FePt nanoparticles
- 半导体核嬗变掺杂 nuclear transmutation doping of semiconductor
- FePt/C多层膜 FePt/C multilayer
- 本底掺杂 background doping
- BN/FePt多层膜 BN/FePt multilayer films
- 在语言中掺杂俚语 to adulterate a language with slang
- FePt/Ag双层膜 FePt/Ag doublerlayer films
- 其他物质掺杂的结果。 the adulterating effect of extraneous materials.
- FePt/Ti颗粒膜 FePt/Ti granular films
- 本底掺杂能级 background doping level
- [FePt/Ag]n颗粒膜 [FePt/Ag]n granular thin films
- 菊苣根烘烤磨碎来代替或掺杂咖啡。 root of the chicory plant roasted and ground to substitute for or adulterate coffee.
- C掺杂 carbon doping
- 添加AlN对FePt薄膜结构和磁性的影响 Eifect of AIN on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of FePt Thin Films