- Fe3O4/Au金磁纳米微粒 Fe3O4/Au Magnetic nano-partictes
- 金磁微粒 GoldMag particles
- Fe3O4磁纳米颗粒 Fe3O4 magnetism partical
- 金磁纳米修饰电极 gold magnetic nanoensemble electrode
- 稀磁纳米颗粒 diluted magnetic nanoparticles
- 金磁复合粒子 Au-contained magnetic composite
- 纳米 nanometer
- 微粒 mote
- 磁 magnetism
- 年金 rente
- Fe3O4纳米微粒 Fe3O4 nano particles
- 沉默是金 Silence is gold
- 金曲 great hit
- 纳米材料 nanophase materials
- 拜金 mammonish
- 磁芯 magnetic core
- 纳米技术 nanotechnology
- 钣金 panel beating
- 补偿金 compensation
- 银纳米微粒与酚藏花红相互作用的共振瑞利散射光谱研究 Study on the Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectra of the Reaction between Phenosafranine Chroma Dye and Silver Nanoparticle