- Fault controlling action 断裂控油
- An operation where the computer applies control action directly to the process without manual intervention. 计算机直接向生产过程发出控制动作而无需进行人工干预的一种运行方式。
- They also take necessary control action on itinerant hawkers whenever they are found plying their trade in streets. 他们又负责管理在街上贩卖的流动小贩,如有需要,会采取执法行动,遏止违例情况。
- Has the good viscosity control action, may compound the low cost the temperate lavation thing. 具有良好的粘度调节作用,可配制出低成本的温和型洗涤用品。
- Phase adjustment, for harmonic structure converter control action, 360-degree static electric adjustment, quick, convenient. 相位调整机构,谐波器构造,变频器控制动、静态360度电动调整,快捷、方便。
- Eocene Nadu group,in baise basin,Guangxi autonormous region can be divided areally into central oil generation sag area,ring-like belt for oil and gas accumulation,and marginal fault controlling belt respectively. 广西百色盆地第三系始新统那读组,从平面上可以划分为生油凹陷中心区、油气环形聚集带和边界断层控制带。
- The flatness control action of DSR's actuators is the essence of the shape technology,meanwhile it is the basis of the AFC model. 板形调控功效是板形控制技术的核心所在,也是板形自动控制系统模型设计的主要依据。
- In Qaidam Basin, the fault controlling hydrocarbon feature is obvious,and the phenomenon of oil - gas difference accumulation between hanging wall and footwall blocks of a fault is common. 柴达木盆地的断裂控烃特征明显,断裂上下盘油气差异聚集现象十分普遍,不同构造系统区具有不同的油气差异聚集机理和模式。
- Second, delves in the control action of decoupling detachment structure on the formation of basins,sedimentary structures and oil-gas pools. 以渤海湾第三纪断陷盆地、焉者中生代盆地为例,探讨了大陆伸展过程中,拆离滑脱构造对盆地形成、沉积建造、油气成藏的控制作用。
- It has very important controlling action on the structural combination of the slope, engineering geological characteristics and the law of hydrogeological structure. 它对采场的构造组合,工程地质特征和水文地质结构规律具有十分重要的控制作用;
- Ansys of the finite element analysis software was used to study on the flatness control action of DSR Backup roll for 2030mm Tandem Cold Rolling Mills. 运用有限元软件对2030冷连轧机组DSR支持辊的板形调控功效进行仿真研究。
- The earlier ductile shear zone controlled the distribution of the quartz veins, and the late brittle fault controlled the orebody directly. 早期韧性剪切带只对矿脉起宏观控制作用,晚期的脆性断裂为含金石英脉的直接控矿构造。
- One of the limitations of model predictive control (MPC) is that the control action is very slow when immeasurable disturbances exist, especially when slop disturbance exists. 摘要模型预测控制在处理不可测干扰时有明显的局限性,特别是对于类似斜坡一样的干扰,控制作用十分缓慢。
- The control action and formation of support plate in the same conditions are discussed. It has agr eat significance to wide application and development of support plate. 讨论了在一般开采条件下托板的控制作用及控制形式 ,为托板理论广泛应用和发展具有一定意义
- If the control action calculated by conventional generalized predictive control (GPC) can satisfy the constrained conditions, the control action is directly used. 当由普通广义预测控制GPC所计算出的控制作用能满足受限条件时,就直接采用所算出的控制作用;
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- The structural evolution of Tangyuan Fault Depression shows that: its Mesozoicbasin is overridden by its Cenozoic basin; the Cenozoic fault controlled the boundaryof the depression and the depression is a passive rift basin. 通过对依-舒地堑构造演化研究认为汤原断陷中生界盆地与新生界盆地为叠置关系,断裂在新生界时期表现为控盆断裂,断裂性质为张剪性,断陷属于被动性成盆机制所控制的被动型裂谷盆地。
- The grumpy man found fault with everything. 那个性情乖戾的人对什么事都要找岔。
- It was considered that karstification is the base of reservior formation, and lithology and faulting control the formation and development of internal reservior. 其发育规律为:岩溶作用是下古生界储集层发育的基础;岩性和断裂作用决定内幕储层的形成与发育。