- Fashion and pomp ruined more ample sums. 时髦和浮夸需要更多的钱。
- Where fashion and protest coexist. 时尚和抗议共存。
- On the Development and Evolution of Contract Law. 浅析古代、近代、现代合同法的发展与演变。
- Perform fashion and romantic life style. 演绎时尚浪漫的生活情趣。
- Karyotype and Evolution of Genus Nicotiana L. 烟草属植物的核型及其演化
- The first floor is mainly for fashion and jewelry. 1F是时装·珠宝·杂货的购物天堂。
- Distribution and evolution of Saxifraga L. subsect. 虎耳草属具芽亚组的分布及其进化与青藏高原隆起的关系.
- Only belongs to shanghai, fashion and Sinicize. 只属于上海,时尚而且中国化。
- It is the process of involution and evolution. 这是回旋和进化的过程。
- On the Fashion and Evolution of Gilt Bronze Avalokitesvara Statue of Taihe Reign of Northern Wei Dynasty Excavated at Boxing 博兴出土的太和年间金铜观音立像的样式与源流
- You can find the latest fashion and hairstyle magazines. 你可以找到最新的时尚与发型杂志。
- They are the latest fashion and they are in great demand. 它们是最新的式样,需求量很大。
- They are part of evolution and evolution is a part of nature. 它们是发展的一部分,而发展又是自然的一部分。
- Anyway,I really like the fashion and color of the clothes. 不过,我的确是喜欢这件衣服的样式和颜色。
- We also studied the formation and evolution of black hole binaries. 研究了黑洞双星的形成与演化。
- The poets believe what they fashion and fashion what they be-lieve. 诗人们相信自己所歌颂的,也歌颂自己所相信的。
- We are privileged to witness his growth, development and evolution. 我们有幸目睹了他的成长、发展和演变。
- Anyway, I really like the fashion and color of the clothes. 不过,我的确是喜欢这件衣服的样式和 颜色。
- She loves fashion and knows what works for her," Talley said. 她知道时尚并且明白什么适合自己。
- Adorn the wall with fashion and beautify life by fashion wall. 用时尚装点墙面,用墙面装点生活。