- 以三菱FX2N型PLC及三菱FR-S500变频器为例,介绍串行通信技术在交流变频调速控制系统中的应用,并通过相应的部分通信控制程序来说明利用可编程控制器实现串行通信编程设计方法。 With the example of the MELSEC-FX2N PLC and the FR-S500 inverters,the port communication technology of VVVF are introduced,and by the part of the communication control program,the paper explains the method of the port communication program by PLC.
- 安全型PLC safety PLC
- ALS型PLC在磨矿流程中的应用 Application of ALS Type PLC in Grinding Flowsheet
- 三菱FX型PLC在电子束焊机中的应用 Application of FX Type PLC Made by Minstibush Corp.for Electron Beam Welder
- 外型 exterior
- 三菱FX2N Mitsubishi FX2N
- 户型 house type
- 笔型 pen type
- FX2N PLC与计算机串口通讯程序实现 The Development of COM Communication Program Between FX2N PLC and Computer
- 西门子S7-200型PLC在分布式系统中的应用 The Application of SIEMENS S7-200 PLC in Distributed System
- 整型 integer
- 运动型 motile
- 表型 phenotype
- 介绍了三菱FX2N系列PLC与上位机实现串行通信的一种方法 ,并给出了部分用VB6.0开发的通信程序。 The realization method of serial communication between Mitsubishi FX (2N) series PLC and super-computer is introduced in this paper. The part of communication program with VB6.0 is presented.
- 构型 configuration
- 经济型 economical
- 外型尺寸 external dimension
- 分型 typing
- B型 Type B