- 变压器副边有源箝位式ZVZCS FB PWM变换器主电路分析 Analysis and Simulation of ZVZCS FB PWM Converter by Using Secondary Active Clamp
- FB-ZVZCS-PWM变换器的研究 Study on FB-ZVZCS-PWM Converter
- 移相式FB-ZVS-PWM变换器的仿真研究 Simulation study on phase-shifted FB-ZVS-PWM convertor
- 器 utensil
- 一种新的移相控制PWM变换器的小信号等效电路模型 A New Small-Signal Model of PS-FB ZVS-PWM Converter
- FB-ZVZCS-PWM逆变电阻焊机研究 Research of inverter resistance welding machine FB-ZVZCS-PWM
- 基于反激变换器的一种新型单级功率因数校正电路的研究 Research on a novel single-stage PFC circuit based on flyback converter
- 变换器 convertor
- PWM变换器 PWM converter
- 最后,本文简要介绍了采用宽负载范围ZVS全桥变换器的220Vdc/10A电力操作电源设计。 Finally, this paper shows a power module especially designed as the battery charger(220Vdc/10A)for the power systems.
- 双PWM变换器 dual PWM converters
- 变换器的改进 Improvement of the ZVT-PWM Buck Converter
- 双向PWM变换器 bidirectional PWM converter
- 非恒定电压输入对带饱和电感移相全桥ZVS-PWM变换器的影响 Influence of inconstant voltage input on phase-shifted-FB-ZVS-PWM DC-DC converter with saturated inductor
- 全桥变换器的设计 Design considerations for the improved current-doubler-rectifier ZVS PWM full-bridge converter
- 不对称半桥PWM变换器 asymmetrical half bridge
- 基于DSP的移相全桥变换器的研究 Research of the Phase Shift FB-PWM Converter Based on DSP
- 磁通变换器的优化设计 Optimum Design of Flux Transfer Trip
- PWM变换器并联运行的小信号分析 The Minor Signal Analysis for the Paralleling Operation of PWM Converter
- 带有抽头变换器的变压器 transformer with tap changer