- Key word: expert consultant system; gas; knowledge base. 关键词:专家系统、矿井瓦斯、知识库。
- APDS (Angina Pectoris Diagnosis System) is an expert consultant system developed for angina pectoris diagnosis. APDS(Angina Pectoris Diagnosis System)是我们开发的一个用于诊断以胸痛为主要症状的一类冠心病的专家咨询系统。
- An expert consulting system for gold dredging is established. The system's structure, functions, knowledge representation and inference strategy are explained. 本文应用专家系统理论,建立了采金船开采技术咨询专家系统,并对系统的结构、功能、知识表示和推理策略进行了阐述。
- Computer expert consultant system briefing on technical 已建房屋渗漏水治理技术计算机专家咨询系统简介
- Expert consulting system of transformer economic operation 变压器经济运行专家系统
- Exploitation of Tourism Expert Consulting System 旅游专家咨询系统的开发
- The principles of erecting evaluation system were established.Indexes were filtrated by frequency analysis method, theoretical analysis method, and expert consultation method. 确定了评价指标体系建立原则,采用频率统计法、理论分析法和专家咨询法设置、筛选指标,使指标的配置更加合理;
- Construction of expert consulting system for Yellow River Crossing Project to meet the technology challenge 以建立专家咨询体系应对穿黄工程技术挑战
- A Expert Consultant System of the Way to Draw out Gas from Mines 矿井瓦斯抽放专家系统
- Expert consultation system 专家咨询系统
- The expert consultation department of our hospital has its own exclusive prescription to treat headache. 治疗头痛,本院专家门诊有独特的配方。
- expert management consultation system 专家管理会诊系统
- By using the methods of documentary,investigation and expert consultation , this paper reveals the basic meaning and inscape of China's sports information environment. 摘要通过文献查阅、实证调查及专家咨询等方法,揭示了我国体育信息环境的基本内涵、构成要素。
- Uphold and improve the CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, develop and expand the patriotic united front! 坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,发展壮大爱国统一战线!
- Weight of each indicator was determined by expert consultation method and improved Analysis Hierarchy Process (IAHP) and thus, the subjective deviation was reduced. 采用专家咨询法和改进层次分析法相结合的方法确定指标权重,降低了主观性偏差,为后续评价奠定了基础。
- This research mainly adopts remote sensing technology, field investigation, expert consultation, information analysis, typical analysis and analogy inference. 本研究主要采用了遥感技术、实地考察、专家咨询、资料分析、典型剖析和类比推理等方法。
- The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the CPC is an important component of China's democratic political system. 共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度是中国民主政治制度的重要组成部分。
- On the Expert Consultant System 专家顾问制度初探
- With clinical research, experts consultation and Delphi study, the quality evaluation indicator system for maternity care was established. 采用专家会议法、德尔菲法进行指标的筛选与论证。
- Physicians are on the threshold of being able to beam intricate medical images from small rural hospitals to major medical centers for collaborative diagnosis and expert consultation. 因为有联合会诊和专家门诊,内科医师们开始能从小乡村医院向主要的医疗中心播送复杂的医学图像。