- Excision of cyst of labia 阴唇囊肿切除术
- excision of cyst of Bartholin's gland 前庭大腺囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of broad ligament 阔韧带囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of fallopian tube 输卵管囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of Gartner's duct Gartner管囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of mesonephric duct 中肾管囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of Mullerian duct in male 男性Muller管囊肿切除术
- excision of cyst of Bartholin rs gland 前庭大腺囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of breast 乳房囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of clavicle 锁骨囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of hand 手囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of kidney 肾囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of lung 肺囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of ovary 卵巢囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of pericardium 心包囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of scapula 肩胛骨囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of spleen 脾脏囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of thyroid 甲状腺囊肿切除术
- Excision of cyst of vulva 外阴囊肿切除术
- Size of 3*2*2 of cyst of vestibular big gland, without painful, urticant. 前庭大腺囊肿3*2*2大小,无痛、痒。