- How are businesses within the euro zone affected by the euro? 欧元将如何影响欧元区内的商业运作?
- Firms in the euro zone are the gloomiest. 而欧洲的公司则认为前途未必光明。
- And he wants fiscal harmonisation across the euro zone. 而且他希望整个欧元区的财政和谐。
- How are busine es within the euro zone affected by the euro? 欧元将如何影响欧元区内的商业运作?
- And in the euro zone, sluggish economies are looking ever more lethargic. 在欧元区,低迷的经济从来没有这样让人昏昏欲睡。
- Germany's resurgence has set a challenge for the euro zone's southern members. 德国的复苏已经挑战了欧元区南部成员。
- France participates in the free movement of trade and capital in the euro zone. 法国在欧元市场中参与贸易和资本自由流通。
- Hain said Britain joined the euro zone can not be postponed indefinitely. 海因称,英国加入欧元区不能被无限期推迟。
- That was good timing because his work was influential in shaping the euro zone. 他的工作对欧元区的成形产生了很大的影响,这确实是天时人和。
- The Fed has more leeway, though inflation has picked up faster in America than in the euro zone. 尽管美国的通货膨胀要比欧元区走得更快,但美联储却有更多的活动余地。
- Since then, along with Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Slovenia Snow to join the euro zone expanded to 16 member states. 此后,随着塞浦路斯、希腊、马耳他和斯诺文尼亚的加入,欧元区成员国扩大至16个。
- Real and nominal stochastic convergence: are the new EU members ready to join the Euro zone?; Ali M. Kutan and Taner M. 真正与名义上的随机集中:欧盟新成员准备加入欧元区吗?
- That result fits in with the common view of the euro zone as having a less flexible and nimble economy than America. 人们普遍认为美国经济要比欧元区经济更具有弹性且灵活,而该结果也正好与之吻合。
- Both in Britain and the euro zone, central bankers are worried about inflation and the prospect of a wage-price spiral. 在英国和欧元区,央行行长们担心的是通货膨胀以及工资-价格螺旋上升的威胁。
- This reawakened worries about the imbalances that have built up inside the euro zone. 这也再次唤醒了人们对欧元区长期积累的各国收支失衡的担忧。
- Slovenia assumes the presidency of the European Union, and Cyprus and Malta both jion the EU's euro zone. 斯洛维尼亚接任欧盟轮值主席国;塞普路斯与马尔他加入欧元区。
- As losses mount in the euro zone, capital may trump liquidity in determining credit growth. 随着欧元区的损失增加,资本可能打出王牌,决定信贷中的流动资金。
- Analysts estimate that in the 15 euro zone countries, Ireland is likely to be the first to plunge into recession. 分析人士估计,在欧元区15国中,爱尔兰很可能成为首个陷入经济衰退的国家。
- Outside the euro zone, Britain remains the healthiest of the world's major economies. 欧元区以外,英国是全球主要经济体中最为健康的。
- In output and productivity growth, the euro zone has lagged behind other developed economies. 在出口量和生产率增长上,欧元区已经落后于其他的发达的经济实体。