- Euler方程 Euler equation
- 准一维Euler方程 Quasi-one-dimensional Euler equations
- 流体动力学Euler方程 fluid dynamics Euler equations
- 在每一个时间步方程分离为一个Euler方程和一个非定常的Stokes方程。 The equation is split into an Euler equation and a non stationary Stokes equation within each time step.
- 利用泛函极值满足的Euler方程 ,解出了线性谐振子的基态能量和波函数 . The ground state energy and the wave function of a linear harmonic oscillator are solved by Euler equation comforted to functional extremum.
- 讨论了一般的 Euler方程解的振动性 ,并利用它研究了二阶微分方程的振动性质 In this paper,we obtained some results on the oscillation of solutions of general Euler equation. With the results we studied oscillatory properties of differential equation of second order by using the results.
- 蒸气压方程 vapor pressure equation
- 在进气道-隔离段流场中求解了二维Euler方程,数值模拟了整个流场的波系结构。 Moreover, a inviscid flow field of supersonic inlet-isolator was been obtained in order to simulate the complicated multi-wave structure by solve the 2D Euler equation.
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式) Maxwell field equations
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数 The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 并将固定点迭代法用于求解非线性的Euler方程,且证明了此迭代法的全局收敛性; Fixed-point iteration is used to solve the difficulty raised from nolinear of Euler equation and its glob; i.
- 高次代数方程求根 finding roots of polynomial equation
- 初等常微分方程 elementary ordinary differential equation
- 本文主要研究二维非结构网格的生成方法和基于非结构网格的Euler方程有限体积算法; In this dissertation, a method to generate 2-D unstructured grid and the finite volume arithmetic to solve two-dimensional Euler equation in unstructured grid system are investigated in detail.
- 声呐方程 sonar equations
- 数学方程原理 the theory of equations in mathematics
- Euler数 Euler numbers
- WZ方程 WZ equation
- 方程解 solution of equation
- 可压缩Euler方程 compressible Euler equations