- Ethics in Blake's Poetry 布莱克诗歌中的伦理思想
- Now, what about business ethics in our own culture? 那么,我们自己的文化对企业道德又有何看法?
- Her ethics in business are excellent. 她的商业道德非常好。
- The Zhengshi poetry is mainly Ji Kang and the Ruan Ji"s poetry. 第二部分:正始诗歌的迁逝主题。
- Regulation and Ethics in Broadcast and Television Hrs. 广播电视法规与职业道德。
- Geminis usually have a high code of ethics in relationship. 通常都很高道德规范的关系。
- Many of the symbols in Blake?s Songs of Innocence and Experience are implicit and elusive, but most are drawn from the Bible and the Greek myths. 布莱克的《天真与经验之歌》中的许多原型象征虽然晦涩难懂 ,但大多取自《圣经》和希腊神话 ,而且整个诗集还可作为一个完整的象征系统加以观照。
- Chapter Two reveals Willa Cather"s concept of ecological ethics in O Pioneers! 第二章探索了小说中所显现出的生态伦理思想。
- Dickinson’s poetry, despite its ostensible formal simplicity, is remarkable for its variety, subtlety and richness. 狄金森的诗虽然表面浅显,但内容多样化,微妙而又深刻。
- Acting ethically in a "massy" world. 在一个“纷乱”的世界上行为得体。
- It is a mistake to think of Edgar Allan Poe’ s poetry as being more music than meaning. ( 译文:认为埃德加?阿伦?波的诗与其说是意味深长不如说是音乐的看法是错误的。
- Amartya Sen’s thoughts on economic ethics call for the reestablishment of ethics in economics. 森的经济伦理思想,呼唤着经济学中道德哲学问题的回归。
- The language of Kou Zhun ‘s poetry is flowing, on the whole, elegant, natural, but also Lisu, humorous side . 寇准诗歌的语言总体上是流丽、典雅、自然的,但亦有俚俗、诙谐的一面。
- Tao Yuanming‘s poetry both dull and Shuanglang style, language pristine nature, extremely refined. 陶渊明的诗文兼有平淡与爽朗的风格,语言质朴自然,又极为精炼。
- At deuce, yet another challenge on a serve is successful - this time in Blake's favour.Federer comes through with two service winners. 赛后连续第二年闯入美网八强的美国帅哥给费德勒送去了赞美之词;
- Mu Cao’s poetry pays a great attention to the weak and the disadvantaged groups living in the underclass. 在那样的处境中,能够始终坚守着诗歌的探索创造在诗歌界是绝无仅有的。
- Wu Mi"s poetry endosarc view composed by three parts ,the poetry spirit, thematerial and the medium. 吴宓的诗歌内质观可以说是由诗歌的精神,材料,媒质三个部分组成。
- How Does the Research of Marxist Ethics in the New Era "Return to Marx"? 新时期的马克思主义伦理学研究如何"回到马克思"?
- This caused concern about a possible violation of ethics in his work. 这就引起了大家对他违反职业道德的关注。
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。