- Eria paniculata n. 竹枝毛兰
- Tissue Culture of Gypsophila paniculata L. 满天星的组织培养技术研究。
- Arutrographis paniculata ( Burm. f. ) Nees. 穿心莲
- Every day as happy as Gypsophila paniculata. 每天都像满天星一样快乐.
- The new recorded species of Eria in the continent of China. 中国大陆的一种植物新记录.
- The induction flowering in vitro of Gypsophila paniculata L. 重瓣丝石竹试管花的诱导。
- Study on the Rooting Cultivation of Gypsophila paniculata L. 满天星生根培养的研究。
- Objective To study the antifertility function of Andrographis Paniculata. 目的研究穿心莲的抗生育作用。
- Eria medogensis, a probably peloric form of Eria coronaria, with a discussion on peloria in Orchidaceae. 墨脱毛兰,一个可能的"异常整齐花"型,兼论兰科中"异常整齐花"现象.
- Eria, Hu is also the game's most reliable offensive team, both field goal percentage as high as 63.5 percent. 比赛中埃里亚胡也是球队的最可靠进攻点,场均命中率高达63.;5%25。
- Integrated in the European qualifying rounds, rocket rookie in 2006 Eria Hu performed pretty well. 在综合欧锦赛几轮的预选赛中,2006年火箭新秀埃里亚胡表现不俗。
- Objective: To optimize the basic water extraction process of andrographis paniculata extract. 目的:对碱水法生产穿心莲浸膏工艺进行优化。
- Analysis of RAPD Fingerprint of Shoots and Its Vitrification Shoots in vitro of Gypsophila paniculata L. 满天星试管苗与其玻璃化苗的RAPD指纹图谱分析。
- Which in 2006 selected rookie of Israel eria, Hu has a good performance, 16 points 9 rebounds to become the team's most reliable offensive firepower. 其中2006年选中的以色列新秀埃里亚胡有上佳表现,贡献16分9个篮板成为球队进攻最可靠的火力点。
- Spectrophotometric Determination of the Total Flavonoids in Microcos Paniculata L. 分光光度法测定破布叶中总黄酮。
- The first team against England, the Eria Hu had 24 points and 5 rebounds to help the team win, and then some low status. 首场对阵英格兰队,埃里亚胡就砍下24分和5个篮板帮助球队取胜,而随后有些状态低落。
- Methods Drug were gived to explore effect of Andrographis Paniculata on embryo and sperms.in vitro/in vivo. 方法采用体内外给药的方法,观察穿心莲对大鼠精子、胚胎及小鼠精子的影响。
- A tall coastal grass (Uniola paniculata) of the southeast United States, Mexico, and the West Indies. 海滨燕麦草:一种海滨高草(圆锥二棱草牧场草属),生长于美国东南部、墨西哥和西印度群岛
- The study on the stem secondary xylem of Symplocos paniculata,reveals the wood belongs to diffuse-porous wood. 研究白檀茎次生木质部结构研究,其为散孔材。
- A. paniculata enhanced phagocytic activitiy of leucocyte significantly, and increased the indexes of phagocytose. 同时,穿心莲在整个给药周期内,对白细胞活性有显著影响(P<0.;05);提高其吞噬率和吞噬指数。