- The west wing was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. 西路是乾隆年间增建的。
- In 1744 his successor Emperor Qianlong converted the palace into a lamasery. 羽明在这一刹那灵魂恍若离了躯壳,飘飘的不知去了哪里。
- Qing Emperor Qianlong year (1744), the original still-ri is a moderate. 清乾隆九年(1744年),其仍为原川里属一适中。
- The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. 亭身是空透的,亭檐上悬挂着清朝乾隆皇帝书写的“历下亭”匾额。
- About 200 years ago, the Qing Emperor Qianlong toured in southern China and developed an interest in the local operas. 大约在200多年前,清朝的乾隆皇帝在南巡时,对地方上的戏剧产生了浓厚的兴趣。
- The Imperial Collection of Four was compiled during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. 《四库全书》是在乾隆年间编修的。
- Emperor Qianlong liked traveled and had been the south of the Changjiang River for six times. 乾隆皇帝喜欢游幸,曾先后六下江南。
- In 1790 during the reign of the Emperor Qianlong, opera troupes from Anhui Province were ferried to the capital on the Grand Canal to perform. 1790年乾隆皇帝统治年间,徽班进京也是通过大运河奔赴皇城登上舞台。
- It was Emperor QianLong who added the Five Dragon Pavilions and the Nine Dragon Screen. 五龙亭和九龙壁就是乾隆皇帝加建造的。
- Emperor QianLong built the buddhist GuanYin Hall for his mother - to pray for her happiness and longevity. 乾隆皇帝为其母建造了这个佛教的观音殿,为了让她幸福长寿。
- "In A.D. 1735, Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne in the most properous period of Qing Dynasty. "公元1735年,大清帝国达到鼎盛时期的乾隆皇帝登基即位了。
- Also noteworthy is the gold stupa used to collect the fallen hair of Emperor QianLong's mother. 还有一个值得注意的一个金的宝塔用来收集乾隆母亲掉下来的头发。
- The last camp pegging the board of "snow-printed hearts," the word is that by the Qing Emperor Qianlong. 营上届挂的匾额“雪印心珠”四字,是清乾隆皇帝所题。
- History is always fair, and he lets us see that weak side of Emperor Qianlong, Ju afraid of what? 历史总是公正的,他让我们看到了乾隆那懦弱的一面,俱怕些什么?
- Emperor Qianlong pro book "above board" and He made from blue to Baoliu important, linked at the main entrance hall. 乾隆皇帝亲书“正大光明”,并制成蓝地鎏金字匾,挂于大殿正门。
- Another 36 were named and inscribed by Emperor Qianlong who, to show deference to his grandfather Kangxi, used three-character phrases only. 又有乾隆御书36处,均为三字一景,意思是居康熙之下。
- Clay figurine artist Wang Chunlin made five plates of clay children to send to the imperial court and they were highly praised by Emperor Qianlong. 彩塑师王春林制作五盘泥孩儿进献,得到清代乾隆皇帝的赞赏。
- The antitype of ranny Zhao is the Fuhen's nannie,the South tour of inspection she saw can simply be the one conducted by Emperor Qianlong. 赵嬷嬷的原型是傅恒的乳母,她能看到的南巡,只能是乾隆年间的乾隆帝南巡。
- The Hall of Jade Ripples used to be the place where Qing Emperor Qianlong spent his leisure hours with his ministers and friends. 玉澜堂曾是清朝乾隆皇帝和他的大臣、朋友们消遣娱乐的地方。
- The Long Corridor was first built in the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795) for the his mother to enjoy the lake scenery in rainy and snowy days. 长廊最初建于乾隆年间,是专为乾隆的母亲在雨天和雪天欣赏湖景的。