- Japan launched a war of aggression against China in 1894 (20th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Guangxu). 一八九四年(清光绪二十年),日本发动侵略中国的“甲午战争”。
- The tale happened at a small village named Zhu-lo-Sanin of Taiwan in the period of Emperor Guangxu, Dynasty Qing. 故事发生在清光绪年间,台湾诸罗山的一个小村庄。
- By 1893 (19th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Guangxu) their population exceeded 2.54 million people in 507,000 or more households. 至公元一八九三年(清光绪十九年)时,总数达到五十点七万余户,二百五十四万余人。
- The plaque above the middle gate with three big Chinese characters were the handwriting of Emperor Guangxu (1875-1908), meaning the Summer Palace. 正门门匾上的"颐和园"三个大字是光绪皇帝亲笔题写的。
- That is a gilded nameboard with nine dragons .The three Chinese characters ”Yi He Yuan” on it were written by Emperor Guangxu. “颐和园”是清朝皇帝光绪写的,金匾上有九条龙。
- Empress Dowager, the Emperor Guangxu Minister and all enema full of praise for the blood, it has become traditionalming chi together. 西太后、光绪皇帝与诸大臣对猪血灌肠赞不绝口,故此成为一道传统名吃。
- In 1898, during the reign period of Emperor Guangxu of Qing, the Chinese government announced officially that Beidaihe would be developed into a summer resort. 光绪二十四年(1898),清政府正式宣布将北戴河辟为避暑山地。
- He was born in Shuxiang homes, the father of Mu sunrise, when Emperor Guangxu tree, successive Xuezheng Guyuan, Xining didactic, the Office of Professor Ling-ling. 他出生于书香之家,父慕暲,清光绪时举人,历任宁夏固原学政、西宁教谕、宁灵厅教授。
- According to legend, Emperor Guangxu years, Hou Li Wenkui shop called the pens artist pen store opened in Beijing, as well-brush, was a eunuch-loving fancy calligraphy. 相传,清光绪年间,侯店有个叫李文魁的制笔艺人在北京城开笔庄,因毛笔制作精良,被一个爱好书法的太监看中。
- From then on, the Qing government pursued Wang Jueyi and his followers in accordance with Emperor Guangxu's edict to "severely punish" and "uproot" them. 随后,在“务获严办”、“务绝根株”的圣谕之下,清政府在全国范围追剿王觉一及其徒众。
- In 1885 (11th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu),the government formally made Taiwan a full province covering three prefectures and one subprefecture and incorporating 11 counties and 5 cantons. Liu Mingchuan was appointed first Governor of Taiwan. 一八八五年(清光绪十一年),清政府正式划台湾为单一行省,任刘铭传为首任巡抚,行政区扩为三府一州,领十一县五厅。
- In order to upgrade the administration of Taiwan,the Qing government created Taibei Prefecture,Jilong Canton and three counties of Danshui,Xinzhu and Yilan in 1875 (1st year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu). 一八七五年(清光绪元年),清政府为进一步经营和治理台湾,再增设“台北府”及“淡水”、“新竹”、“宜兰”三县和“基隆厅”。
- The present temple at Longhua, completed during the reign of Emperor Guangxu, has kept alive the architectural style of temples of the Chan sect as witness its seven-hall lay-out. The temple grounds cover 6.25 hectares of land. 现在的龙华寺,为清朝光绪年间重建,保持了宋代佛家禅宗伽兰七堂制的寺院建制,占地6.;25公顷。
- There was a lot of talks about the Qing Court in years of 1898 and 1899, and the talks about the depose of Emperor Guangxu was the focus, the cause of the talk was complicate and the influence wild spread. 清末戊戌、己亥年间 ,朝局传闻颇为盛行 ,而其中关涉“废立”(指废光绪帝而另立新君 )之事者尤为突出 ,成为焦点题材。
- In 1885 (11th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu), the government formally made Taiwan a full province covering three prefectures and one subprefecture and incorporating 11 counties and 5 cantons. Liu Mingchuan was appointed first Governor of Taiwan. 一八八五年(清光绪十一年),清政府正式划台湾为单一行省,任刘铭传为首任巡抚,行政区扩为三府一州,领十一县五厅。
- Founded in the Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu Period, "Shao yongfeng" cake double dipped with sesame, and baked by white carbon stove, is a pure manual and old brand, which was awarded as " China Time-honored Brand" by the Ministry of Commerce last year. 创立于清代光绪年间的衢州“邵永丰”麻饼双面沾芝麻,用白炭炉烘烤,是一种纯手工老品牌,去年被商务部授予“中华老字号”称号。
- In order to upgrade the administration of Taiwan, the Qing government created Taibei Prefecture, Jilong Canton and three counties of Danshui, Xinzhu and Yilan in 1875 (1st year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu). 1875年(清光绪元年),清政府为进一步经营和治理台湾,再增设“台北府”及“淡水”、“新竹”、“宜兰”3县和“基隆厅”。
- Qing Emperor Guangxu 21 (1896) Hebei FU NING Jun Yang Yutian family flee from famine settled in Taonan House (now the city of Taonan for the family, Luo Bing set up a stall to make a living. 清光绪二十一年(1896年)河北抚宁杨玉田隽家逃荒落户于洮南府(现洮南市为养家糊口,以摆摊烙饼为生。
- You sum the father, the late Qing Dynasty in Zhili Province (now the Hebei) Gubeikou of eight trenches, Kyrgyzstan offered Dasheng store fortune.er shi yi nian Emperor Guangxu (1895), his father died. 父贵森,清末在直隶省(今河北)古北口的八沟,开办吉大生商店发迹。清光绪二十一年(1895),其父病故。
- On September 16th,1898, Emperor Guangxu summoned Yuan Shikai, who then had control over an imperial regiment, for a secret audience here, in the hope that Yuan would support his reforms. 一八九八年九月十六日,光绪曾在此召见握有兵权的袁世凯,翼望袁赞助“变法维新”。