- Emile Durkheim Award 埃米尔·迪尔凯姆奖
- Emile Durkheim and the Collective Conscience Durkheim, Emile. 涂尔干与集体意识。
- Modem structuralism generally recognizes Emile Durkheim. 现代结构主义普遍承认涂尔干。
- Primitive Classification written by Emile Durkheim &Marcel Mause is a classical literature in cultural anthropology. 摘要涂尔干和莫斯的《原始分类》是文化人类学的经典著作。
- Emile Durkheim, the father of modern sociology, wrote in 1897 that suicide rates were a key sign of the state of a community. 现代社会学家之父埃米尔?迪尔凯姆在1897年写道自杀率是反映社会现状的一个重要标志。
- The social class theory have three sources, Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim all have contributed in these. 社会分层理论有三个来源,马克思、韦伯和涂尔干都为社会分层理论作出了贡献。
- An outstanding contribution of Emile Durkheim is to discern the moral qua a consequence and constitution of economy in modern economic life. 涂尔干的一个卓越贡献,是从现代经济中辨识出了作为其后果与构成的道德性因素。
- The second part evaluates the social integration view of Emile Durkheim's “corporation”. 第二部分,是对涂尔干法人团体社会整合观的评析。
- Emile Durkheim is one of sociology triumvirate, and has great influence on sociology circle. 摘要涂尔干是社会学思想史上的三位古典大家之一,在社会学界影响长盛不衰。
- The first part explains concrete the social integration view of Emile Durkheim's “corporation”. 第一部分,是对涂尔干法人团体社会整合观的具体阐释。
- Emile Durkheim's theoretic interest always focused on social order and integration. 摘要社会的秩序和整合问题一直是涂尔干的理论关注点。
- Since the classic sociologist Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim, the problem of the relationship of sociology and common sense was talked about from three different perspectives. 本文从学科、专业/常识的角度、教师(研究者)与学习者的角度和专家与大众的角度对社会学与常识关系的问题进行了梳理和评述,指出社会学与常识的关系不仅仅是对立的关系。
- G.Simmel greatly influenced sociology by putting forward unique objects of sociological study different from Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. 齐美尔提出了一种有别于迪尔凯姆和韦伯的社会学研究对象,对社会学的发展产生了重要影响。
- In fact, the important intellectual roots in the research of culture of the sociological theory, can be traced back to Emile Durkheim, one of the founders of the sociology. 社会学理论中文化研究的重要知识根源,实际上可以追溯到社会学的创始人之一迪尔凯姆(Emile Durkheim)身上。
- The third part analyzes the enlightenment of the social integration view of Emile Durkheim's “corporation” to our country in constructing a harmonious society. 第三部分,涂尔干法人团体社会整合观对中国构建和谐社会的启示。
- The paper attempts to analyze the social integration thought of Emile Durkheim's “corporation” and its enlightenment to our country in constructing a harmonious society. 本文试图具体分析涂尔干的法人团体的社会整合思想,及其这一思想对于我们构建和谐社会的启示。
- The book covers theories of the early history of the field as well as its most recent developments from ancient thinkers such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and so on. 本书在内容上涵盖了自马克思、涂尔干和韦伯等古典社会学家以来至本书各版出版时为止西方社会学理论当中最主要的社会学家和社会学理论流派的理论观点。
- In "The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life",Emile Durkheim presents good solutions as to how to choose the object of research,how to define concept of research and how to use methods of research. 但应该如何选择研究对象、界定研究概念、运用具体的研究方法 ,涂尔干在《宗教生活的基本形式》一书中给出了很好的答案。
- This text continue Emile Durkheim's research tradition which has concerned about religion, ritual and society research and discuss personal link in Guanzhong area and interpret it. 笔者从涂尔干的宗教、仪式与社会研究的传统出发对此进行探讨和解读。
- Although the social environment has changed a lot after the concept of Emile Durkheim's Collective Consciousness forming, it has been significant to use such concept to analysis modern society. 摘要迪尔凯姆“集体意识”概念生成的社会环境虽然改变,但并不失去运用该概念分析当今社会的社会学意义。