- 选型 lectotype
- ERP选型 ERP selection
- ERP选型决策 ERP Selection Decision
- 设备选型 lectotype selection
- ERP系统选型 ERP system selection
- 地铁车辆的选型 Model Selection for Metro Cars
- 关于TCO用于ERP选型的探讨 The Discussion on ERP Selection by Using TCO
- 表型选型交配 phenotypic assortative mating
- 选型的 assortative
- AI选型 artificial intelligence lectotype
- LED选型 LED type- selection
- PDM选型 PDM selection
- DCS选型 type- selection of DCS
- 长距离输油输气管道建设--焊接工艺制订及焊接设备选型 Construction of Long Distance Oil and Gas Transmitting Pipeline--Setting of Welding Procedure and Making a Choice of Welding Equipment
- 支架选型 Support selection
- 资源选型 System resource determination
- 表型非选型交配 phenotypic disassortative
- 选型识别 assortative recognition
- 选型育种 assortative breeding
- 应用选型 application selection