- 阵 spell
- EP阵 EP matrices
- 阵型 formation
- 阵发 paroxysm
- β-EP β-EP
- 列阵 embattle
- 临阵脱逃 desert on the eve of battle
- 缺阵 be absent
- 迷阵 maze
- 阵形 lineup
- 他们以列队的阵式行进。 They marched in parade formation.
- 线阵 linear array
- 阵发性 paroxysmal
- 面阵 area array
- 梯(矩)阵 echelon matrix
- 雹阵 hial shower
- 将车排成圆阵 to corral wagons
- 换能器阵 transducer array
- 伴随阵 adjoint matrix
- 不定阵 indefinite matrix