- E2F陷阱DNA E2F decoy ODNs
- E2F-1 E2F-1
- 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。 I knew perfectly well it was a trap.
- 转录因子E2F Transcription factor E2F
- 设陷阱 trap
- G1阻滞中p21-E2F间的相互作用 Role of Interaction of p21 and E2F Played in PGA2 mediated G1 Arrest.
- 他们给黄鼠狼设下陷阱。 They set a trap for the weasel.
- DNA deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- 复制DNA repetition DNA
- 猎人设陷阱捕捉狐狸。 The hunter set traps to catch foxes.
- 狮子落入了陷阱。 A lion was caught in the toil.
- dna沟 dna groove
- E2F-1在癌组织中的表达与TNM分期、组织学分级、淋巴结转移及肿瘤浸润深度无相关性(P>0.05)。 the expression of E2F-1 in cancer tissues no correlates with the histological differentiation,depth of invasion of gastric mucosa,TNM stage and lymph node metastases(P>0.05).
- 这些男孩子设置陷阱捕捉兔子。 The boys made snares to catch rabbits.
- 小心贫富差距的陷阱。 Beware of the poverty gap trap.
- 总DNA Total DNA
- 猎人在陷阱里下了诱饵。 The hunter baited his traps.
- 古DNA ancient DNA