- 高速网络PPP协议的实现及其安全机制的研究 Implementation of PPP in High-speed Network and Research of Its Security Mechanism
- 重金属与土壤环境质量及食物安全问题研究 Review on heavy metals, soil environment quality and food safety
- 大学学术仓储建设及其版权问题研究 Research on the Issues of the University Institutional Repositories Construction and its Copyright
- 分布对象技术作为分布系统的重要支撑技术,其安全问题一直是分布系统应用领域的研究重点。 The security of Distributed Object Technology, which is a main supporting technology of distributed system, is always a focus of research in the field of the application of distributed system.
- E-Mail及其使用方法 E Mail and Its Application
- 我国粮价丰年涨升与粮食安全问题研究 Research on Grain Price Rising in an Abundant Year and Foodstuff Security in China
- 医院网络化及其安全防范 Latticing Hospital and Safety keep away
- 粮食购销市场化与嘉兴市粮食安全问题研究 A Study on Market Purchasing and Supplying of Grain and Grain Safety of Jiangxing City
- 毒饵除鼠剂及其安全使用 The Toxicant bait killing-rat reagent and its safety in use
- 死刑复核及其法律监督问题研究 A Study on the Issue of the Check of Death Penalty and its Legal Surveillance
- 入世"后过渡期"我国产业经济发展及其安全问题 Development of China's Industrial Economy and Its Safety in the "Post- Transitional Period" After China's Accession into WTO
- 冬泳健身作用及其安全阈值 Healthy role of swimming in winter and its safe threshold
- 我国枣果生产的安全问题及对策研究 Study on the Safety Problem and Countermeasure of Chinese Jujube Fruit Food Production
- 地下水污染问题研究现状及其防护 The pre sent situation of the pollution problem Study of groundwater and its prevention
- 网络环境中数据的安全问题及对策研究 Study of Data Security Under Network Environment
- 资金的筹划与使用及其安全风险性分析。 Financing, cash inflow and outflow management and risk analysis.
- 农用运输车车架强度及货厢对其贡献问题研究 Study on Frame Strength and Its Improving by Goods Carriage of a Farm Transport Vehicle
- 计算机网络的脆弱性及其安全 Vulnerability and Safety of Computer Network
- 高精度内圆磨床的数控改造及安全问题的研究 The Numeric Improvement and Safety study of High Precision Grinding Machine