- Down’s综合征 Down' s syndrome
- Down′s综合征 Down's syndrome
- Gerstmann’s综合征 Gerstmann'syndrome
- Kartagener’s综合征 Kartagener' s syndrome
- Treacher-Collin’s综合征 Treacher- Collin's syndrome
- 综合征 symptom complex
- 共筛查出Down’s综合征、开放性脊柱裂OSB、18-三体综合征高风险孕妇77例,阳性率7.3%。 Of these 1048 women, 77 were designated as being of high risk rate for several chromosome abnormalitis i.e. Down's syndome, open spina bifida and trisomy-18 syndrome (overall positive rate 7.3%25).
- 肾病综合征 nephrotic syndrome
- 唐氏综合征 down syndrome
- 多囊卵巢综合征 Stein-Leventhal syndrome
- 干燥综合征 sicca syndrome
- 美尼尔氏综合征 labyrinthine syndrome
- 更年期综合征 menopause syndrom
- 肠道激惹综合征 irritable bowel syndrome
- 前臂神经嵌压综合征 neural entrapment syndrome of forearm
- 矮小综合征 runting syndrome
- 艾迪综合征 Adie's syndrome
- XX男性综合征 XX male syndrome
- 阿德森氏综合征 scalenus anticus syndrome
- 阿狄森氏综合征 addisonian syndrome