- 海蓬子DnaJ-like基因片段的表达和生物信息学分析 Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of DnaJ-like Gene Sequence from Salicornia bigelovii Torr.
- DnaJ-like基因 DnaJ-like gene
- PEBP-like基因 PEBP-like
- Or83b-like基因 Or83b-like gene
- DnaJ Dna-J
- DNAj基因 DNAj gene
- Calpain-like基因 Calpain-like gene
- Hd6-like基因 Hd 6-like gene
- avenin-like基因 avenin-like gene
- 基因代代相传。 Genes are transmitted from one generation to another.
- 保守区分析显示,该片段含有DnaJ-like基因完整的J功能域(J-Dom ain,66 aa),功能域在蛋白质水平与GenBank两种相关类型的J功能域的同源性分别为1 e-11和9 e-15。 Conserved domain analysis made it clear that an integrated J-domain was involved in the sequence. J-domain has E value of 1e-11 and 9e-15 compared with two types J-domains in GenBank CDD database.
- 基因外显率 penetrance of gene
- 分离的基因型 a segregant genotype.
- 基因的区分繁殖 differential perpetuation
- C基因 C gene
- D基因 D gene
- J基因 J gene
- V基因 V gene
- Ir基因 Ir gene
- 免疫遗传学免疫学中研究免疫反应的细胞和基因基础的分支 The branch of immunology that deals with the molecular and genetic bases of the immune response.