- Detection at the attack end 攻击端检测
- This trick escaped detection at the time. 这骗局那时候没被发觉。
- He connived at the attack on the security guard. 他纵容对警卫人员的袭击。
- Key games with the mouse click aim at the attack. 游戏用鼠标键点击瞄准出击。
- The attack was on at the first light. 天一亮,进攻就开始了。
- They were at the head of the attack. 他们负责这次进攻。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- A power failure was detected at the server. 检测到服务器的电源中断。
- We were all ready for the attack at the Pas de Calais. 我们在加来海峡一带严阵以待。
- The two teams were all square at the end. 最后两队以积分相同而结束。
- The farmers felt outrage at the attack on their villages. 农民们对进攻他们的村庄感到愤怒。
- Are there any exams at the end of this term? 这个学期期末有考试吗?
- The trio had apparated there after the attack at the wedding. 三人组在婚礼遭受袭击后幻影移形到了那里。
- The rent is due at the end of each quarter. 缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。
- It's no fun to find oneself at the end of the rope. 山穷水尽,可不是好玩儿的。
- All infants were followed up for the hepatitis B detection at the age of 0,3,6,9,12,24 months by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay(ELISA). A、B两组婴儿都分别在0、3、6、9、12、24月龄静脉采血,用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测HBV标志物,同时随访。
- At the end of the third scene the actress exits. 该女演员于第三场结束时退场。
- My room is at the end of the corridor. 我的房间在走廊的尽头。
- Healthy rats group (referred to as the blank group): normal rats 10,with the gastrointestinal bioelectric detection at the same period with the above two groups. 空白组:正常大鼠10只,与上两组同期检测其胃肠生物电。
- He get a tax rebate at the end of the year. 他在年底得到了一笔退回的税款。