- The design consisted of a central box structure. 设计包括一个中部箱式结构。
- The basic courses for the major in art design consist of color composition, three-dimensional construction and planar formation. 摘要“平面构成”与“色彩构成”、“立体构成”组合成三大构成,是艺术设计专业的基础课。
- The stent design consists of an accordion body and flexible atrial anchors. 支架的架体采用手风琴设计,并可根据孔径不同锚定。
- Good design consists of a number of stages, which progressively elaborate the design. 好的设计包括一系列的阶段,逐步地详细描述设计。
- Software design consists of data collection commutating software graphics interface and data processing. 软件研究包括数据采集软件、网络通讯软件、人机交互界面和数据处理软件设计。
- The target architecture of hardware-software combined design consists of a CPU and some ASIC communicating over a bus. 摘要软硬件协同设计的目标结构包括一个CPU和多个ASIC,它们通过一条总线进行通信。
- A taxonomic designation consisting of more than two terms. 多词学名包含两个以上术语的分类学名
- The new Port House design consists of two entities: the existing fire station and a new crystalline volume lifted above the retained building. 新的港口内部设计由两个实体组成:现有的消防局和新的结晶量解除上述保留建设。
- The whole design consists of three parts: the monitoring and control unit,the ECG collection unit and the defibrillation unit. 整个设计分为监护控制单元、心电采集单元和除颤单元三个部分。
- The design consists of a circular core of post-tensioned cables surmounted by the thinnest possible concrete deck with stainless steel handrails. 桥的造型以一个圆环为核心,使用后张拉预应力结构,并尽可能使用最薄的桥面,桥面上使用不锈钢栏杆。
- The design consists of two large infrastructural moves, the redirection of the river and the construction of an Eco Park. 本设计有两大结构变动,一个是河流的再定向,另一个是生态公园的建设。
- Eco design consists generally fours iterative steps: eco identification, eco diagnosis, eco specification and assessment for eco products. 设计方法和步骤包括四个阶段:产品生态辨识,产品生态诊断,产品生态定义,生态产品评价。
- The worldwide design consists of three typical modes :Bauhaus's art mode,Ulm's scientific mode and the American commercial mode. 世界艺术设计中有3种代表性的模式:包豪斯的艺术模式,乌尔姆的科学模式和美国的商业模式。
- Methodological design consists of sampling and sample preparation,LC/MS instrument selection and techniques,and data-processing analysis. 方法设计涉及样品采集和处理;LC/MS仪器与技术及数据处理、分析等。
- If you are expanding the functionality in an area that already uses non-generic event handlers, you can continue to use non-generic event handlers to keep the design consistent. 如果您是在已经使用非泛型事件处理程序的区域中扩展功能,则可以继续使用非泛型事件处理程序,以保持设计一致。
- Accuracy and consistency of detailed design output. 设计图样详图设计输出的准确性和一致性。
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- Only with the support of the fundamental study and systematical design consisted with the course reform can the teaching effects of information technology be achieved correctly and thoroughly. 要正确而充分地发挥信息技术的教学功效,就要有教学基础研究的支持,有与课程改革相整合的系统设计。
- There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。
- This dress is of the latest design. 这件衣服是最新设计。