- Dental Caries Preventive 是一种龋齿预防药(含氟离子和氧化铝的研磨剂)
- In particular, it is not candy bedtime to prevent dental caries. 尤其是临睡前不要吃糖,预防龋齿。
- Decay of a bone or tooth, especially dental caries. 骨头腐烂,牙蛀蚀骨头或牙齿的腐烂,尤指牙蛀蚀
- Local passive immunization with specific anti_streptococcus mutans IgY may be an effective way to prevent the development of dental caries. 特异性抗变链的鸡蛋黄抗体IgY能减少定菌鼠龋齿的发生 ,减缓龋齿的发展。
- Studying these genes can further ensure the mechanisms about formation of dental caries, and has also explored new way to prevent denta... 本文就近年来与变形链球菌菌斑生物膜相关的基因突变研究作一综述。
- The appropriate fluoride can prevent the dental caries, but too much intake will lead to dental fluorosis, osteofluorosis, etc. 氟化物可用于预防龋病已得到世界一直公认,但氟过量却可引起氟牙症、氟骨症等氟中毒性疾病,如何适度用氟一直是人们关心的问题。
- However, we believe, fluoridated milk still has some effect to prevent teeth from dental caries based on current clinical studies. 但在临床实验上,正反的结果均有,但大部分的氟化牛奶仍然对于学童龋齿的预防有一定的效能。
- DMFT describes the amount or the prevalence of dental caries in an individual. DMFT反应个体的数量和程度。
- In persons over 35, periodontal disease causes the loss of more teeth than does dental caries, or decay. 在35岁以上的人中,牙周病引起的脱齿比龋齿还多。
- Dental caries result in tooth decay and cavities. It is the most common disorder affecting the teeth. 导致蛀牙和牙洞产生,是影响牙健康最常见的牙病。
- Fluoride helps control dental caries by remineralising the teeth and inhibiting bacterial acid production. 氟通过促进矿物质在牙中沉积和抑制细菌生产酸来控制的发生。
- Etc. The flora of the gingival crevice causes dental caries in about 80 percent of the population. 齿龈缝的菌落导致80%25的人患龋齿。
- The data on the level of dental caries in the development of teeth of 12 year olds show two distinct trends. 12岁儿童牙发育过程中程度的数据表现出两种不同趋势。
- Keyes method was used to evaluate the effect of methylene blue on Spraague-Dawley mouse dental caries. 采用Keyes龋病评分法观察美蓝对Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠磨牙龋的预防效果。
- Results 4662 children were examined in Dental caries in 1767 cses,accounting for 37.9%. 结果受检4662名儿童,患龋齿儿童1767名,其中总龋患率为37。
- Objective To provide the basis for caries prevention program and offer relevant evaluation criterion, dental fluorosis epidemiology study was made in Nanzhuang and Xiaotang, Nanhai City. 目的了解南海市南庄镇和小塘镇人群氟牙症流行状况,作为制订防龋计划的依据和防龋项目评价的基线资料。
- Conclusion oral synthetic care has apparent effect for preventing children's dental caries. 结论口腔综合保健对预防儿童龋齿有明显的效果。
- Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Carisolv for the chemo-mechanical removal of children dental caries. 目的:评价伢典化学机械去腐法在儿童龋病治疗中的应用效果。
- Effect of water fluoridation on prevalence of dental caries in Chung-Shin NewVillage Taiwan after nine years. 台北市国中一年级学生龋齿未矫治原因调查研究。