- He threw a vote for the Democratic candidate. 他投了民主党总统候选人一票。
- The Democratic candidate nosed out his rival for Congress by a few hundred votes. 这个民主党国会议员候选人以几百票之差击败了对手。
- They are in favor of the democratic candidate for president. 他们支持民主党总统候选人。
- They is in favor of the democratic candidate for president. 他们支持民主党总统候选人。
- He won the nomination as Democratic candidate for the presidency. 他赢得了民主党总统候选人的提名。
- The Democratic candidate has the election all but in the bag. 在选举中,民主党候选人已经稳操胜券了。
- They were in favor of the Democratic candidate for President. 他们支持民主党总统候选人。
- The Democratic Party thought that voter anger about Watergate would help the Democratic candidate become president. 民主党认为选民对“水门事件”的愤怒会帮助民主党的候选人成为总统。
- Ross Perot criticized both Republican President Bush and Democratic candidate Clinton. 罗斯?佩罗对共和党的布什总统和民主党候选人克林顿都提出了批评。
- Once he had been put forward as the democratic candidate for governor, but failed of election. 有一回,他被推举为民主党州长候选人,可是没有当
- Democratic candidate for governor Chet Culver also opposes teaching intelligent design. 学校不应该把智能设计论作为一种科学理论进行讲授。
- The democratic candidate talked about the economy and the middleclass tax relief. 而今天早些时候,奥巴马的竞选伙伴拜登就在费城同钢铁工人们进行了集会。
- He won the election with a overwhelming vote outbidding the Democratic Candidate. 下面所显示的内容来自这里的描述页面。
- The Rasmussen poll put Obama on 50% and McCain on 44%, which would give the Democratic candidate a landslide victory. 拉斯穆森民调结果显示,奥巴马获50%25的支持率,而麦凯恩则是44%25。这显示民主党候选人获得了压倒性胜利。
- After winning the Republican nomination for president he overwhelmingly defeated the Democratic candidate, Adlai E. Stevenson. 在当选共和党候选人之后,他以压倒性多数战胜民主党候选人阿德莱·史蒂文森。
- After winning the Republican nomination for president he overwhelmingly defeated the Democratic candidate,Adlai E. Stevenson. 在当选共和党候选人之后,他以压倒性多数战胜民主党候选人阿德莱·史蒂文森。
- Democratic candidate for U.S. president in 1952 and 1956, but defeated by the popular Dwight D.,Eisenhower, known as an eloquent speaker. 1952年,1956两年,均被提名为民主党总统候选人。 但两度为呼声更高的共和党候选人艾森豪威尔击败,以能言善辩著名。
- Some of them were already planning to staff a Humphrey Administration in the event the Democratic candidate won an election. 他们中间有些人,已经在为民主党候选人一旦获胜后的汉弗莱政府计划人事安排。
- They say the big mistake the Democratic candidate made in 1988 was that he failed to come out swinging the day after the convention. 他们说民主党1988年总统候选人的错误是他没有在全国代表大会后马上展开攻击。
- The Democratic candidates campaign appears to be running out of steam. 民主党人的竞选活动似乎日落西山了。