- To see our Death Valley activity pictures. 死谷之旅活动照片。
- Cloud and mountain in Death Valley, AZ. 云和山图片 Cloud and mountain.
- Winter sunset over cloudy mountains in Death Valley, AZ. 山和云日落图片 Mountain and clouds sunset.
- Explanation: This eerie glow over Death Valley is in danger. 说明: 死谷上方奇异的光芒陷入危险了。
- This trail sign at Teakettle Junction in Death Valley points toward the playa. 之一线索表明死谷茶壶结点指向普拉亚。
- The land surrounding Devil's Hole is part of the Death Valley National Monument. 魔鬼洞周围的土地是国家级死谷名胜区。
- Death Valley holds much evidence of nature's past violence.For example, there is Ubehebe Crater. 死亡谷保存着很多关于大自然恐怖的破坏力量的证据。
- Despite these challenges, some plants and animals are able to adapt to Death Valley's inhospitable climate. 尽管有这些挑战,一些植物和动物都能够适应死亡谷的恶劣气候。
- Cobb's company was the first American unit to move back into the valley, dubbed by the 28th “Death Valley. 库比中尉所属连队为第一支重返此河谷的美军单位,该河谷被第28师称为“死亡谷”。
- Abandoned charcoal kilns sit in Wildrose Canyon in Death Valley National Monument. 图中这些废弃的炭窑位于死谷国家纪念区的野玫瑰峡谷中。
- Researchers from Dalhousie University examined dozens of sites, from the Channel Islands off France to Death Valley. 达尔豪西大学的科学家研究了许多地理位点,从法国的海峡群岛一直到美国的死谷。
- A stone's-eye-view of two tracks made by the sailing stones of Death Valley's Racetrack playa. (Photo and caption by Tucker Sylvestro) %237A条stone's眼,由死亡之谷的跑道滩石头作出的帆船两个方面意见。
- Death Valley is part of the Mojave Desert.It lies mostly in the western state of California although part of it reaches into Nevada. 死亡谷是莫哈韦沙漠(在美国加利福尼亚西南)的一部分,虽然它的一部分在内华达州,但绝大部分处于加利福尼亚州的西部。
- After I left the canyon, I had a blistering drive across Death Valley, America's hottest spot, then turned north to my summer with Hillary. 离开大峡谷之后,我冒着酷热开车经过美国最热的地方“死亡之谷”,然后往北,朝着与希拉里一同度夏的地方驶去。
- Temperatures in the Lower48 states Tuesday ranged from a low of25 degrees at West Yellowstone, Montana, to a high of116 degrees at Death Valley, California. 周二,偏南的48个州的气温从最低在蒙大拿州的西黄石的25度,到加州死亡峡谷最高温度116度。
- Ever since my early research in California during the1970 s on the feral ass in Death Valley, I had been interested in their ancestors in the desert mountains of Africa. 其实早在1970年代,我在美国加州死谷研究野生驴的时候,就对牠们生活在非洲沙漠山谷内的祖先十分好奇。
- The legendary Badwater Ultramarathon starts in Death Valley, California, at 280 feet below sea level and ends three days later on Mt.Whitney at an elevation of 8,360 feet. 这项传奇性的“恶水超级马拉松”赛事以低于海平面280英尺的加州死亡谷为起点,终点在3天路程后,海拔8360英尺高的惠特尼峰。
- Ever since my early research in California during the 1970s on the feral ass in Death Valley, I had been interested in their ancestors in the desert mountains of Africa. 其实早在1970年代,我在美国加州死谷研究野生驴的时候,就对牠们生活在非洲沙漠山谷内的祖先十分好奇。
- Fifty Years of Death Valley Research 死亡谷研究五十年