- Last, in discussing the relation of Data Mining and statistics, the sameness and distinguish between them are given. 从八个方面详细总结了现阶段数据挖掘方法的研究现状;
- The Bayesian approach is suitable for data mining and knowledge discovery problems characterized by probability and statistics. 因此 ,适用于具有概率统计特征的数据采掘和知识发现问题 ,尤其是样本难得或代价昂贵的问题。
- Data Mining and Statistics 数据开采与统计学
- Classification is to predict the class label of unknown data with supervisor obtained from experiential data , which is a basic problem in pattern recognitionx machine learning and statistics, as well as in data mining. 分类即通过由经验数据训练得到的分类器预测未知数据的归属,是模式识别、机器学习、统计分析等领域的一个基本问题,也是一种最常见的数据挖掘任务。
- Zhang Baili, born in 1970. Ph. D. Candidate. His main research interests include data mining and data warehouse. 张柏礼,1970年生,博士研究生,主要研究方向为数据挖掘与数据仓库。
- He holds a doctorate in computer science and specializes in data mining and information retrieval. 他拥有计算机科学博士学位,主攻数据挖掘和信息检索。
- We design a transformer condition evaluation system framework based on data mining and data mart techniques. 设计了一个基于数据挖掘技术和数据集市技术的变压器状态评估系统框架。
- In particular, it plays an increasingly important role in thefield of Data Mining and knowledge Discovery. 近年来它逐步成为数据发掘与知识发现领域中一个不容忽视的方向。
- Imputing missing values is one of the challenges in data mining and machine learning. 摘要 缺失填补是机器学习与数据挖掘领域中极富有挑战性的工作。
- He at present in Professor Standford University data mining and electronic commerce graduate student curriculum. 他目前在斯坦福大学教授数据挖掘及电子商务的研究生课程。
- The framework was scalable to conduct cyberspace data mining and situational apperception effectively. 该系统具有可扩展性,能有效进行宏观网络的数据挖掘和实时势态感知。
- But after I finish this project for data mining and its application are more in-depth understanding. 而完成这个项目之后,我对于数据挖掘及其应用有了更深入的认识。
- Association rule mining is an important problem in data mining and KDD, which has been researched widely. 关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘和知识发现中的一个重要问题,自提出以来得到了广泛的研究。
- This paper focuses on how to partition ratepaying credit grade based on data mining and how to develop system prototype about partitioning ratepaying credit grade. 本文主要研究利用数据挖掘技术进行纳税信用等级划分以及信用等级划分系统的开发。
- It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics. 从这些错综复杂而又相互矛盾的事实和统计数字中很难得出一个结论来。
- Finish the quality report, taking data analysis and statistics. 完成每日、周、月的质量报表并进行数据统计、分析。
- This article proposes a semi-distributed search engine (SDSE) model, which is based on data mining and intelligent learning. 本文提出了一种基于数据挖掘与智能学习技术的半分布式搜索引擎(SDSE,Semi-Distributed Scarch Engine)模型,实现的系统称为PeerSearch。
- In addition this paper deeply discusses the main DSS technologies represented by OLAP, data mining and gives a improved solution in real applications. 此外本文还较深入地探讨了以联机分析、数据挖掘为代表的决策支持技术,就实际应用中的不足给出了改进方案。
- These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. 这些是数据和统计资料显示出来的危机指标。
- This paper deal with Data Mining and Web Data Mining, At the end. The trend and research concerning the Web Data Mining is concluded. 首先描述了数据开采,及Web数据挖掘,最后提出了Web数据挖掘的发展方向和趋势。