- DSP加载 DSP Boot Load
- 载 year
- DSP程序加载 DSP program loading
- 较小的加载因子意味着以消耗更大内存为代价的更快查找。 A smaller load factor means faster lookup at the cost of increased memory consumption.
- DSP在电动伺服加载系统中的应用 Application of DSP in Electric Servo Loading System
- 柔量每单位加载的伸张或变形 Extension or displacement of a loaded structure per unit load.
- 椭圆加载 elliptical loading
- U形加载 U-shaped loading
- 后加载 aft-loaded
- 类加载 class loading
- 电加载 electricity loading
- 顶加载 top loading
- 加载率 loading rate
- 加载角 loading angle
- 加载比 Load ratios
- 加载法 Loading methd
- 槽加载 slot-loaded
- 翼加载 wing loading
- ROM加载 ROM bootload
- 加载夹 loading clamp