- DSD1-bit编码 DSD ( Direct Stream Digital) technology
- Far-End Point Code (ITU-T 24 bit) = 9位数的 ITU-T 24 位远端点编码。 Far-End Point Code (ITU-T 24 bit) = the nine-digit ITU-T 24 bit far-end point code.
- 将情报编码 to code information
- BIT BIT (Built-in Test)
- bit量 bit signal
- 极性编码 polarity encoding
- 为了确保安全,我们应该对信息进行编码。 We should encode the message for security reasons.
- 智能BIT intelligent BIT
- Bit承诺 Bit commitment
- URL编码 URL code
- WBS编码 WBS code
- BIT设计 BIT design
- BIT运算 BIT operation
- x树编码 X-tree coding
- 较短的编码在索引时要先于长的编码。 Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes.
- Bit平面 Bit planes
- 信息编码系统中每个字符的比特数。 The number of bits in each character of an information coding system.
- 盲编码 blind coding
- 链编码 chain code
- 编码元 coded target