- DRM软件接收机前端 The Front-end of DRM Software Receiver
- DRM软件接收机 software defined receiver of DRM
- DRM软件收音机 DRM software radio receiver
- DRM软件接收系统的研究与实现 The Research and Implementation of DRM Software Receiving System
- 新型外差式接收机前端 New Heterodyne Reciver Head
- 软件接收机 software receiver
- 前端 front-end
- 限幅自保护高温超导接收机前端研究 HTS Receiver Front-End with Limiting and Self-Protective Abilities
- GPS软件接收机 GPS software receiver
- GPS软件接收机基带信号处理研究 Research on baseband signal processing for software GPS receiver
- 前端的 front end
- 最前端 most significant end
- DRM算法 delayed rate-monotonic algorithm (DRM)
- 光接收机前端等效输入噪声电流谱密度与噪声系数间的关系 Relationship Between Noise Figure and Equivalent Input Noise Current Spectral Density for Optical Receiver Design
- 我们委托一家广告公司替我们推销新软件。 We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
- 前端微凹的叶子 a retuse leaf
- 电视接收机 television set
- 修补旧靴前端的鞋面 vamp worn boots
- 软件可能成为更大的障碍。 Software may turn out to be a bigger hurdle.
- 船用接收机 navy receiver