- DNA病毒载体 DNA viral vector
- 病毒 virus
- 犬二型腺病毒是较为理想的病毒载体,其E3区为复制非必需区,E3区缺失或E3区插入外源DNA病毒仍能复制,因此E3区是构建复制型犬二型腺病毒载体的理想位点。 Canine adenovirus type 2 is a kind of satisfied virus vector, CAV2 E3 region is not important for virus copy, to delete E3 or insert foreign DNA into E3 region, CAV-2 still can copy itself, so it is the suitable site to construct recombinant adenovirus in E3 region.
- 质粒DNA同源重组法构建腺病毒载体 Hosm Construction of human osm recombinant adenovirus vector by Plasmid DNA homologous recombination
- 一种无包膜DNA病毒对恒河猴的实验感染 Experimental infection of a novel nonenveloped DNA hepatttts virus in Rhesus monkey
- 急性早幼粒性白血病基因重组逆转录病毒载体构建及表达 Construction and Identification of recombinant retrovirus vector expressing human promyelocytic leukemia gene
- 一种快速简便构建DNA病毒测序文库的方法 A Simple Method Quickly to Construct the DNA Virus Sequencing Library
- 构建细菌内同源重组型hTERT调控区反义RNA腺病毒载体。 Construction of antisense RNA expression vector of the regulation region of hTERT using the adnovirus system by homorecombination in E. Coli.
- 双联病毒是已知的唯一另一组植物dna病毒。 Geminiviruses are the only other group of plant DNA viruses known.
- 重组腺相关病毒载体在大鼠海马内转导特征及其细胞亲嗜性 Gene Transfer Efficiencies and Cell Tropism of Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus in the Hippocampus of Adult Rat
- 新型无包膜DNA病毒恒河猴实验性感染的组织嗜性研究 Tissue tropism of novel nonenveloped DNA virus in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey
- α病毒载体 α-virus vector
- 禽反转录病毒与DNA病毒间的基因重组及其流行病学意义 Genetic Recombination between Avian Retroviruses and DNA Viruses and Its Significance in Epidemiology
- 腺病毒载体 adenovirus vector
- DNA病毒 deoxyribonucleic acid viruses; DNA virus
- 慢病毒载体 lentiviral vector
- 多DNA病毒 polydnavirus
- EB病毒载体 EB vetor; Epstein-Barr vetor; Epstein-Barr(EB)vetor
- 藻DNA病毒 phycodnavirus
- 非病毒载体 Nonviral vector